
Retaking the PTE-A Exam? Follow These 8 Mantras To Get Success This Time

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Retaking the PTE-A Exam? Follow These 8 Mantras To Get Success This Time

Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE-A) is a standardised test taken by candidates planning to join colleges or universities abroad. The examination will assess your English proficiency. One must have knowledge about the common mistakes that students make while writing the PTE academic exams. It is a computer-based examination which comprises three stages i.e; reading, speaking and writing and listening skills. The test is of two hours. In this article, we will tell you 8 pro tips to ace PTE academics. 


Tips for PTE Academic Preparation

PTE is one of the popular English proficiency tests that is required to study abroad or work in English-speaking countries. Many students do not get good scores in PTE due to a lack of information and preparation tips. So, if you are retaking the PTE-A Exam, follow these 8 Mantras to get success this time:

  1. Talk to Previous Candidates: Talk to some candidates who have already cleared the test. This will give you a clear picture of the usual mistakes the students encounter during the exam. 
  2. Pay Full Attention in the Listening Test: While giving the listening test, students generally do not take notes and just listen to the audio. Do not do this as many important points could be missed out. Pay full attention as you get only one shot at listening to the tape. Always take down notes while doing the listening section as it will help you to create your own response in a good way which will eventually fetch you good marks.
  3. PRACTICE, PRACTICE AND PRACTICE: It is always advantageous to have some knowledge of the pattern of the exam beforehand. Practice on sample papers and devote time to studying the previous year’s exam papers. This will give you an overall view of what types of questions are asked and which questions are repeated. 
  4. Focus on Speaking Skills: In your speaking test, concentrate mainly on your pronunciation. Take care of pauses, and unnecessary fillers and do not pause for more than 3 seconds even if you have made a mistake. To practice this you can record yourself and check your voice clarity, delivery of words, speech and so on. 
  5. Read Regularly: For the reading test, make sure you practice reading as much as possible. This will help you to develop a habit of finding out mistakes in nouns, adjectives or verbs. This will also help you to improve your grammar and vocabulary skills. Read the newspaper and novels of good authors to improve your vocabulary. 
  6. Practice Writing: You should practice writing essays on different topics and try to focus on the formation of your sentences. Always make use of correct grammar and strong vocabulary. Do not use very complex words as it will not give you any bonus points. Just keep it simple and easy to understand by following a proper formal structure.
  7. Bifurcate the Questions: As the candidate has to answer 73-80 questions, it is good to bifurcate them accordingly. Try to answer the most difficult questions first as they take up most of the time. Focus on your strong areas more and devote time to those questions only. Do not answer any question which you are not sure of, as the questions of some sections carry negative markings.
  8. Use Proper Study Material: Having good study material by your side is always the key to passing the PTE test. Search authentic and relevant study material online. To achieve this, refer to the recently updated materials which include tips and strategies as well. 

Also Read: Everything About PTE Exam

Section-wise Tips to Ace the PTE Exam

With great determination and good preparation, you can easily crack the exam but you need to have some background knowledge about the sections which the exam covers. Below are some section-wise pointers that you can keep in mind to ace the exam. 

Writing Section

Try to write your answers between 35–45 words. Avoid lengthy sentences, as the scoring algorithms may not be able to evaluate the long sentences with accuracy. Keep the passage simple and understandable. Do not use any unnecessarily complicated words. It will not fetch you any brownie points. 

Listening Section

Listen actively and with full attention. Hearing good English songs or watching movies or TV shows without subtitles might actually be helpful. It is recommended that you read the questions before the audio starts and make pointers there and then. 

Speaking Section

Speak good English during the exam and prevent yourself from using complicated words. Even if you made a mistake, do not stammer or stop, continue speaking. In case, you are not aware of the pronunciation of a word then avoid using it in your response. Begin your sentence with a rise in your tone and end it with a drop in the tone.

Reading Section

As there is no negative marking in this section, attempt all questions. Learn to paraphrase which means conveying the same message but using different words. If you have time, read the paragraph at least twice to get a better understanding. 


Is PTE-A an easy exam to crack?

PTE Academics is generally considered an easy test. With good vocabulary, grammar and a little practice, one can easily crack the exam.

Which is the hardest part of the PTE exam?

Among all the sections of the test, Reading is usually considered the most complicated section as students tend to miss out on most of the important points in their reading proficiency.

How many times can I attempt the PTE exam?

There is no specific limit set for the Pearson Test as to how many times a student can give the PTE exam. They can give the exam as many times as they wish to, but it should be taken up with a gap of 5 days. 

Can I combine 2 PTE scores?

Combining two PTE scores is accepted, but the test that you are combining should have been taken within 6 months and not more than that.

For how long is the PTE score valid?

The Pearson test for English (PTE) is valid for a period of 2 years and is accepted by major universities abroad. It will also help you if you are planning to work abroad.

Leverage Edu provides the best preparation courses for the Pearson Test of English (PTE) offered in a live training environment by trusted educators. If you want to ease your study abroad journey, build a preparation plan with Leverage Edu’s Leverage Live Classes and call us at 1800-572-000.

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