
PTE Highlights Correct Summary, Step-by-Step Practice

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PTE Highlight Correct Summary Task

Pearson’s Test for English is an online test that has a series of tasks based on the 4 language skills that a candidate must possess in order to be proficient in it. The four skills tested for the English language in Pearson’s test are Speaking skills, Reading skills, Writing skills and Listening skills. There are 11 types of integrated tasks in the PTE exam, each of which is based on two of the language skills mentioned above. PTE Highlight Correct Summary is an integrated task which scores marks for the Listening as well as Reading sections. The listening component of this section carries more marks weightage. In this article, we will discover more about the PTE Highlights Correct Summary Step-by-Step Practice

PTE full form Pearson’s Test for English
Other NamePTE Academic
Conducting BodyPearson’s PLC Group
PTE General Exam DatesThroughout the year
Application Fees14,700 
Mode of ExamCBT (Computer Based)
Official Websitehttps://www.pearsonpte.com/

What is PTE Highlight Correct Summary Task?

In the PTE exam, the Highlight Correct Summary task does not come under difficult criteria.  Being easier it is even more crucial to crack it right to avoid losing on easy scores. In this task, an audio comprehension is played for 40-120 seconds. 

After listening to the audio the candidate has to read the various summary options given for that audio and tick on the one they find most suitable for the description of that audio. The PTE scoring for this question is absolute and not adaptive, which means the candidate will either receive a 1 mark if the answer is correct or receive a 0 if the answer is incorrect. 

The details and uniqueness of the content are not so relevant in this listening task and that is why it is considered to be easier than other listening tasks. 

Also Read: Two Secrets you Should Know Before Taking the PTE Exam

Number of questions 2-3
Suggested time to answer30 seconds
Scoring Listening and Reading skills
Length of the question 40-120 seconds
Negative marking No 
Difficulty levelEasy

PTE Highlights Correct Summary Step-by-Step Practice

The Highlight Correct Summary task can improve your PTE Score easily but the candidates often take it lightly and lose marks due to a lack of practice or a correct technique to ace this task. The most important aspect of getting this task right is to catch the theme of the audio correctly. 

It is often misunderstood that catching certain keywords would help to solve this task correctly but that would only add to the confusion that multiple options create. The multiple summary options given have similar keywords to the audio in the question to confuse the candidate. The candidate should first understand that the purpose of this question is to check how the examinee can interpret the information and grasp the gist of the content. 

The question is not designed to evaluate how much of the content or unique words the examinee can remember but how closely they understand it. The step-by-step practice for the Highlight Correct Summary task to improve your PTE Score is given below. 

How to Start?

  1. The finest practice to start these questions is to read the summary option before the audio starts. One must give a very quick glance at the given options within the given span of time. 
  2. It helps in two ways, firstly by giving an overview of the words and content you are about to listen to and secondly by enabling you to choose between the options while the audio is playing thereby enabling you to save time. 
  3. A 10 seconds preparation time is given before the audio starts and the candidate can see a countdown going on the corner of their screens. This time can be utilised by the candidates to read options. 

Make Use of Buffer Time

  1. The candidates should also use this buffer time to relax their minds and clear their thoughts. 
  2. This task is based on being focused and attentive to the present so it is essential that the candidate is not distracted by the previous questions, time limit or anything else. This will only decrease their chance of losing marks. 
  3. Also, adjust the audio levels to medium before the audio starts. 

While the Audio is Being Played

  1. Once the audio starts the candidate should listen to the audio as if a conversation happening. 
  2. The candidates are advised not to try to push themselves into remembering keywords or sections of the audio. The ideal practice is to focus on the theme of the audio and try to get the purpose or gist of the audio. 
  3. Understanding the audio will also be easier to remember than remembering the exact content. 

Making Notes

  1. Another important practice is to make notes of whatever you remember from the audio while listening. 
  2. To emphasize the fact, the candidate should not focus on individual words and rather try to make short phrase notes of the gist of the content. 
  3. Making notes helps in remembering back what the mind might forget under stress. 
  4. The human brain is wired to remember partial information from what it is told and hence the practice of documenting will help in remembering the correct idea. 

Read the Options Carefully 

  1. Once the audio is over the first thing a candidate has to do is read all the options nicely and refer to their notes. 
  2. This should be done carefully but without investing too much time for example instead of reading the options multiple times the candidate should rather read them once but with full focus. 

Selecting the Answer

  1. For selecting the right answer the candidate should think strategically. Looking at and comprehending the given options in relation to the notes and one’s memory the candidate must figure out the most suitable option. 
  2. The most suitable answer is the one that matches most of the points in your memory and notes with the option. 
  3. The candidates are advised not to start thinking all over again at this point and trust their strategy.  

Must Read: Why Has PTE Emerged as the Preferred Option Amongst aspirants

Preparation Tips for Highlight Correct Summary

This task may seem too easy but it is only with practice that one can master it. Simple practices can help a candidate improve their PTE scores in this section. One does not need to invest time separately for this section of the PTE task, only realigning the learning pattern can help in improving PTE Scores here. Listed below are some preparation tips for the Highlight Correct Summary section. 

  1. The task above all needs attentiveness and focus. Things like noises around or concentration issues can cause problems at the time of examination. 
  2. To overcome this problem the candidate can improve their listening skills by practising with the TV on or in front of children so as to practice concentration and focusing. 
  3. The candidate should trust their strategy, remembering the context of the audio and making notes of important sections can together help the candidate eliminate the confusing answers that contain keywords from the audio. 
  4. Practising recreating the audio context in visual memory can help in remembering the context of audio. 
  5. One must also practice managing time for this section while preparing for PTE Exam as it may take essential time from more important and difficult sections. 


What is the PTE Exam?

PTE is the Pearson’s Test for the English language organised by Pearson’s PLC to analyse candidates’ proficiency in the English Language. The test scores are used for migration purposes and for admissions to Universities abroad. 

Is PTE accepted in Canada?

Yes, PTE scores are accepted in some Canadian Universities and also as a visa requirement. However, the PTE scores cannot be used to apply for Permanent Residence (PR) in Canada. 

How to check PTE result?

The PTE Scores are released within 48 business hours and can be accessed easily on Pearson’s website. The candidates have to open the website and log in to their myPTE Account. The PTE Scorecard will be available on their dashboard. The process to share the PTE Scorecard is different and can be done digitally from the Pearsons’ login page only. 

To ace, your PTE Score each skill and each task is important and should be learned with the right strategy to avoid losing time or marks. To ace, the PTE Highlights Correct Summary Step-by-Step Practice, Build a plan with Leverage Edu‘s Leverage Live classes and our top trainers and strengthen your English score as well as your application so that you can secure your spot in your dream college. To get a free counselling session, reach us at 1800527000

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