
PTE Describe Image: How to Describe Maps in PTE Exams?

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How do you explain a map in PTE? If you are a student who is preparing for the PTE exam and find describing images tough, then you have landed on the right page. The beginning can be a bit tough, but it becomes easier once you understand the basics. Describing maps is one of the most challenging things but fun as well. In this blog, we will help you to solve the questions related to PTE describe the image and also tell you how to describe maps in PTE Exams.


Before we dive into the details of describing maps I will start with a basic understanding of the PTE exam and why it is an important exam for students who aspire to Study Abroad. This exam assesses the basic English skills of students who aspire to study UG courses in foreign countries. 

What is PTE Exam?

The Pearson Language Test (PTE Exam)- Academic is a test that assesses a candidate’s English skills under four sections namely, reading, writing, speaking and listening. This test is taken by students who want to pursue graduate courses in a country where English is their first language.

Must Read: 7 Smart Tips For PTE Speaking Describe Image

How to Describe Maps in PTE Exam?

This section of the PTE exam assesses the candidate’s speaking skills and how they describe an image be it a graph, a table, a picture or a map. As this is an online test, an image will be shown on the screen for 25 seconds and the candidate will get 40 seconds to describe it. 

There are a total of around 6-7 images shown in the exam. This section is really fun but can be challenging for those who haven’t done enough practice. Among the 6-7 images shown in this section almost 2 of them are maps. 

To increase the difficulty level of the exam, the quality of the maps can be low sometimes. The students must be aware of it because it can affect their answers. These maps can be ancient maps or political maps. 

To excel in the exam a student needs to focus during the test and grasp every little detail in a short span of time. Describe your intro and conclusion in one sentence and the body in 2-3 sentences.  

How to Prepare for PTE Exam at Home?

If you are someone who is new to the PTE exam then starting the preparation for the exam can be a bit overwhelming. Don’t worry, we have made things easier for you. Our step-by-step guide will help you plan for the preparation for the exam. 

  • Knowing about your English proficiency level and the PTE score you need to achieve is a good way to start. 
  • Understand the test format and familiarize yourself with the structure of the PTE academic. 
  • Have a clear understanding of how the test is scored. The PTE exam is computer-based and it is 100% machine-scored.
  • Choose the best preparation resources and make sure that they have enough information that helps you learn faster and provides practice material as well. 

Advice for PTE exam 

  • Trust your practice and don’t panic during the exam.
  • Keep calm and do your best, you don’t have to be the best. 
  • If you mess up in one image, move on to the next and give your best. 
  • If you mispronounce a word, don’t correct it, just keep speaking. 

Expert Tips for PTE Describe Image 

To score well in the PTE exam, a candidate should prepare nicely and have a developed strategy along with proven templates that can help them improve their practice. The start can be little tough and overwhelming but regular practice can help you ace the exam. 

Here are a few tips from the experts that can help you prepare well for the PTE Describe Image section of the PTE exam. 

Speak Fluently 

The speaking task is one of the most significant aspects to consider when taking the PTE exam’s Describe Image section. You must prove in this part that you have excellent communication skills. It is therefore recommended that you concentrate mostly on punctuation and fluency.

Keep Your Explanation Crisp

Don’t go into great depth in your explanation of the picture. Keep in mind that you are under a time limit and you need to concentrate on the issues that are truly essential for the exam. Be careful not to get distracted by the image’s unwanted details.

Speak for at Least 30 Seconds

It is critical that you speak for at least 30 seconds because this demonstrates how well you understood the image. It is also critical to maintaining your fluency and punctuation under control. Make sure that whatever you say relates to the picture.


What are PTE tips for speaking while describing maps?

Take a close look at the image once it appears on your screen and pay attention to every last detail. When describing, focus on speaking only about the image’s content and watch your punctuation and fluency because these factors will increase your score.

How to score good marks in the PTE exam by describing maps?

One of the most crucial sections in the PTE exam is the Describe Image section especially maps, which is worth more points. You should practice your punctuation and fluency more if you want to perform well on the PTE. Make sure you just include relevant data in the Describe Image box and leave out any unnecessary details.

The Describe Image section of the PTE exam is one of the most important sections and it is also a fun section if the candidate has done enough practice for it. Describing maps is easy and you can take help of the expert tips to prepare well for the exam. 

The PTE exam is taken by students who wish to study for graduate degrees abroad. If you are among those students who wish to study abroad then Leverage Edu can help you with everything. Book your session of Leverage Live and our top trainers and strengthen your English score as well as your application so that you can secure your spot in your dream college. Call 1800572000 and sign up for a free session today!

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