
PTE Daily Essay Topic: In underdeveloped countries, tourism has disadvantages and can be the opposite as well.

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PTE Daily Essay Topic: In underdeveloped countries, tourism has disadvantages and can be the opposite as well.

Brainstorming Ideas

a) Tourism in underdeveloped countries has downsides as it causes environmental degradation, which is often caused by littering, destroying vegetation, and disturbance of wildlife.

b) Economic inequality because of local communities clashing with foreign brands leading to a concentration of wealth is also one of the things that is caused by tourism.

c) It also leads to overliance over one industry making the local economy prone to fluctuations.

Q. In underdeveloped countries, tourism has disadvantages and can be said the opposite as well. Do you agree to it?

Ans. There is no ounce of doubt that tourism is an important sector for all nations. Although it does bring a lot of benefits in terms of boosting the economy, I agree that tourism in underdeveloped countries has downsides.

One of the major ill impacts of tourism is environmental degradation. This is a result of activities tourists often engage in that harm the environment such as littering, destroying the vegetation by walking over it and disturbing the wildlife. This causes loss of biodiversity, soil erosion and pollution. For example, coral reefs have witnessed damage from litter and sunscreens. 

Moreover, tourism is known for causing economic inequality. Some people benefit from the incoming tourists but many others feel left out. This causes social tensions and conflicts within the community. Local businesses might feel that they are not able to compete with foreign brands causing a concentration of wealth.  Furthermore, tourism can also lead to overreliance on one single industry. This makes the local economy prone to fluctuations that can happen because of tourist arrivals. This can be affected by factors such as economic recession, political instability and natural disasters.

To conclude, although tourism brings a lot of benefits, it has significant disadvantages as well. That is why underdeveloped countries need to follow sustainable tourism practices to mitigate these negative impacts that ensure tourism and contribute positively to their development. 


Paraphrased Statement: There is no ounce of doubt that tourism is an important sector for all nations. 

Thesis Statement: Although it does bring a lot of benefits in terms of boosting the economy, I agree that tourism in underdeveloped countries has downsides.

Body Paragraph 1-Topic Sentences: One of the major ill impacts of tourism is environmental degradation. 

Body Paragraph 1- Supporting Reasons and Explanations:  This is a result of activities tourists often engage in that harm the environment such as littering, destroying the vegetation by walking over it and disturbing the wildlife. This causes loss of biodiversity, soil erosion and pollution. For example, coral reefs have witnessed damage from litter and sunscreens. 

Body Paragraph 2- Topic sentence: Moreover, tourism is known for causing economic inequality. Some people benefit from the incoming tourists but many others feel left out. This causes social tensions and conflicts within the community. 

Body Paragraph 2- Supporting Reasons and Explanations: Local businesses might feel that they are not able to compete with foreign brands causing a concentration of wealth.  Furthermore, tourism can also lead to overreliance on one single industry. This makes the local economy prone to fluctuations that can happen because of tourist arrivals. This can be affected by factors such as economic recession, political instability and natural disasters.

Conclusion: To conclude, although tourism brings a lot of benefits, it has significant disadvantages as well. That is why underdeveloped countries need to follow sustainable tourism practices to mitigate these negative impacts that ensure tourism and contribute positively to their development. 

Vocabulary in Use

No ounce of doubt Complete certainty.
BoostingIncreasing or improving
DownsidesNegative aspects.
Ill impactsHarmful effects.
EngageParticipate or be involved.
LitteringDropping trash publicly.
Witnessed Seen or experienced.
Incoming touristsVisitors from other countries.
Social tensionsUnrest between groups.
Compete Strive to outdo.
Concentration of wealthWealth held by a few.
OverrelianceDepending too much.
Prone to fluctuationLikely to change.
MitigateLessen severity.

Linkers and Connectors Used

Following are the linkers and connectors used:

  1. There is no ounce of doubt
  2. Although
  3. One of the major
  4. This is a result of
  5. For example 
  6. Moreover
  7. Some people
  8. But
  9. This causes
  10. Furthermore
  11. This makes
  12. This can be affected by
  13. To conclude
  14. That is why

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