
Learn About Quantum Computing

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Learn about quantum computing

Quantum computing is a specialised field of study which aims at the development of computer-based technologies on the basis of quantum theory principles. On the quantum (atomic and subatomic) level, quantum theory explains the nature and behaviour of energy and matter. Quantum computing, for example, excels at similar simulations. The capacity of bits to exist in multiple states simultaneously gives the quantum computer a large portion of its processing power. They can complete tasks by using a combination of 1’s, 0’s, and both a 1 and a 0 at the same time. MIT, IBM, Oxford University, and the Los Alamos National Laboratory are among the current quantum computing research institutions. Furthermore, developers have begun to gain access to quantum computers via cloud services. If you want to know more about Quantum computing, facts and much more then Keep Reading!

Name of the course  Quantum theory 
Level Bachelors and masters 
Average fees 1.5 lakhs 
Average Salary $120,000 and $170,000. ( INR 99 lakhs to INR 1.4 cr )

Quantum Theory

After Max Planck gave a lecture in 1900, quantum theory started to take shape. Planck made a presentation to the German Physical Society in which he introduced the concept of energy and matter existing in discrete units. Over the next thirty years, several scientists contributed to the modern understanding of quantum theory.

The Essential Elements of Quantum Theory:

  • Energy, like matter, is made up of discrete units rather than a continuous wave.
  • Depending on the circumstances, elementary particles of matter and energy can behave either like particles or like waves.
  • Elementary particle movement is inherently random and thus unpredictable.
  • The measurement of two complementary values at the same time, such as a particle’s position and momentum, is flawed. The measurement of the other value will be more inaccurate the more precisely the measurement of the first value is done.

Further Developments of Quantum Theory

The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory was proposed by Niels Bohr. According to this theory, a particle is whatever is measured to be, but it cannot be assumed to have specific properties or even exist until it is measured. This is related to the superposition principle. When we don’t know what the state of a given object is, superposition asserts that it is in all possible states at the same time – as long as we don’t look to see.

We can use the famous analogy of Schrodinger’s Cat to demonstrate this theory. First, we have a live cat that we put in a lead box. At this point, there is no doubt that the cat is alive. Then insert a vial of cyanide and close the box. We don’t know if the cat is still alive or if it died after breaking the cyanide capsule. Because we don’t know, the cat is both alive and dead, according to quantum law — in a state of superposition. The superposition is lost when we open the box and see what condition the cat is in, and the cat must be either alive or dead.

The fact that one particle can exist in multiple states in some way has far-reaching implications for computing.

Difference Between Classical and Quantum Computing

Classical computing is based on principles expressed by Boolean algebra, and it typically uses a three or seven-mode logic gate principle. At any point in time, data must be processed in an exclusive binary state; either 0 (off / false) or 1 (on / true). These are binary digits, also known as bits. At any given time, the millions of transistors and capacitors at the heart of computers can only be in one state. Furthermore, there is still a limit to how quickly these devices can switch states. As we build smaller and faster circuits, we approach the physical limits of materials and the threshold for classical physics to apply.

A logic gate with two operating modes, XOR and QO1, powers the quantum computer (the ability to change 0 into a superposition of 0 and 1). A quantum computer can use a variety of elementary particles such as electrons or photons. Each particle is assigned a charge, or polarisation, which serves as a representation of 0 or 1. Each particle is referred to as a quantum bit or qubit. Quantum computing and quantum supremacy are based on the nature and behaviour of these particles. The principles of superposition and entanglement are the two most important aspects of quantum physics.

Quantum Programming

Quantum computing allows for the creation of programmes in entirely new ways. A quantum computer, for example, could include a programming sequence that reads “take all the superpositions of all the prior computations.” This would allow for extremely quick solutions to certain mathematical problems, such as the factorization of large numbers.

Peter Shor created the first quantum computing programme in 1994 when he developed a quantum algorithm that could efficiently factor large numbers.

Top Universities that offer Quantum Computing

There are an array of universities that offer Quantum computing courses at an affordable fee and with excellence in teaching as well as education. Some of the popular universities are 

  1. University of Waterloo
  2. The University of Oxford
  3. Harvard University
  4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  5. National University of Singapore 
  6. Nanyang Technological University 
  7. University of California Berkeley
  8. University of Sydney
  9. University of Maryland 
  10. University of Science and Technology of China

Admission Process

If you want to take admitted into a university offering quantum computing courses the admission process is quite simple and all you are required to do is to research the desired university and course. Then you must follow the simple steps given on the official website of the university and course details. After completion of the mentioned steps, you must fill out the form and submit the required documents. If you are feeling this admission process hectic then you can connect with our Leverage Edu experts for assistance. 

Documents Required

International applicants should submit a course-by-course review of each transcript from a reputable credential evaluator. Non-English transcripts should be translated & notarized. During the application procedure, scanned copies of the original and translated version should be supplied as one file. At the time of enrollment, original draughts of all application processes must be submitted.

The following documents are necessary for UG applicants:

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Is quantum computing easy to learn?

As you might have guessed, quantum computing is a complex subject that is challenging for laypeople to comprehend. However, some fundamental concepts can be grasped, providing you with a basic understanding of how quantum computers work.

What should I study for quantum computing?

Physics, math, and computer science are the most relevant majors for quantum computing. Electrical engineering is another good option if you prefer to build the components. Whatever you decide, start studying thoroughly right away.

Can I learn quantum computing online?

Learn Quantum Computing through free online courses and MOOCs from KAIST, IIT Kanpur, IIT Bombay, U of T, and other world-class universities. Read reviews to see if a class is a good fit for you.

Our Leverage Edu experts will help you with end-to-end assistance starting from your university application to the time you reach your university and commence your studies. Call us at 1800 57 2000 to book a FREE 30-minutes counselling session today.

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