
IELTS Speaking Topics: Describe a story someone told you and you remember.

3 minute read
Describe a story someone told you and you remember.

Q- Describe a story someone told you and you remember.

You should say. 

  • What was the story? 
  • What was the essence of the story? 
  • How did the story impact you?
  •  What did you take away from it? 

Ans: I still reminisce about those days when I used to visit my grandmother’s house during summer vacations. As I think of those memories now, my heart gets filled with a pang of nostalgia. My summer vacations were frequently spent at my grandmother’s house, where I gorged myself on succulent mangoes, watched television, and mostly listened to stories narrated by my grandma. 

Even today, with the onset of summer and the first arrival of mangoes at our place, the citrous smell of the fruits and the sultry weather takes me back to my childhood days. The impetus for me back then to wait so long for my vacations was not the sultry weather or the luscious mangoes, but rather the bedtime stories narrated by my grandmother. 

I found the narrative intriguing at the time, but not particularly thought-provoking. It was an Akbar-Birbal tale about a bumbling thief. According to the account, a wealthy merchant once came to Akbar’s court seeking assistance from the wise Birbal over certain stolen valuables. 

Birbal solved the case by his wit and discerned that one of the servants was the actual perpetrator. Although at the time, I thought the story was amusing, I couldn’t decipher its true meaning until much later in my life. The story offers a very important life lesson, i.e., one must always be truthful regardless of the circumstances. 

When I think about it, the relevance of the story and its metaphor is much true for today’s society. In this modern era, with a paradigm shift in people’s lifestyles and with the availability of so much influence at our fingertips, people have become much more deceitful and mendacious (dishonest). Today, in order to stick true to our morals and integrity, one must inculcate the habit of consuming media and art that has a positive perspective on life and can teach us to be better individuals. This story of Birbal makes me think of the true essence of morality and how integral it is for one to be truthful even in adverse situations. The story impacted me in a way that has helped me grow as a person of character and helped me remain true to my ideals and ethics. 

Having said that, after re-reading the narrative several times as I grew older and interpreting its symbolism and subtext, I attempted to comprehend the morality of the story from a more humane perspective. I realised that being truthful at all times can be arduous, but it will keep you on the correct path. This will not only help you grow as a person, but it will also help you gain social respect. It will allow you to stand tall and confident even when things aren’t going your way. 

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