
IELTS Daily Speaking Topic – Speaking Part 3: People (Follow-up Discussion)

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IELTS Daily Speaking Topic - Speaking Part 3: People (Follow-up Discussion)

Discussion Topics

  • Influential People in Society
  • Changing Roles of Men and Women
  • Interpersonal Relationships

Follow-up Questions

1. Influential People in Society

Q.1. How do influential people affect the lives of ordinary citizens?

Ans. Influential people do have a big impact on us in so many ways. Think about it—when someone we look up to, like a famous environmental activist, talks about climate change, it gets us thinking. Their words can raise awareness and push us to start doing more for the planet, like adopting eco-friendly habits in our daily lives.


Then, there are figures like Elon Musk. He’s not just a tech billionaire; he’s out there inspiring whole industries with his ideas about renewable energy and space exploration. People see what he’s up to and it sparks this curiosity and drive for innovation in all of us.

But it’s not just the big names making a difference. Even in our communities, folks are stepping up every day. Whether it’s advocating for better public services or organizing local events, they’re the ones sparking positive changes right where we live. Their actions and words are like this ripple effect, getting everyone around them to think differently and take action, too.

So yeah, influential people—from global icons to our neighbours—have this incredible power to shape opinions, inspire action, and ultimately make our world a better place.

Q.2.  Can you give examples of individuals who have had a positive impact on your community?

Ans. Certainly, one of the people that comes to my head is Srishti, a local school teacher who is tirelessly working to improve the education system in our community. She quite recently started an after-school program to help students with their homework and provide additional tutoring. Her dedication has not only improved students’ academic performance but also boosted their confidence and motivation.

Another example is Mr Patel, who runs a small business and organizes neighbourhood clean-up drives. His efforts have significantly improved the cleanliness and overall environment of our area, making it a more pleasant place to live. These individuals may not be famous, but their positive impact on our community is undeniable and deeply appreciated.

2. Changing Roles of Men and Women

Q.1. The roles of men and women in society changed in recent years. What factors have contributed to these changes?

Ans. The shift in gender roles over recent years is due to several key factors. One of them is education where many other women are pursuing higher education and entering professional fields that were traditionally dominated by men. For instance, my cousin Sarah recently graduated with a degree in the field of engineering, a field that males dominate. Additionally, men are increasingly taking part in jobs such as nursing, fashion designing, and teaching that were traditionally seen as female-dominated.

Furthermore, the feminist movement has played a huge role in advocating for gender equality, pushing for policies that support women’s rights in the workplace and beyond. My friend Rekha, for example, has benefited greatly from maternity leave policies that allow her to balance her career and family life.

Q.2. Do you think the changes in gender roles have been beneficial for society? Why or why not?

Ans. I think the changes in gender roles are great for society. They bring about greater equality and fairness, giving everyone a chance to contribute their talents and perspectives. For example, my sister works in finance and she often talks about how her team benefits from the diverse viewpoints women bring, leading to more innovative solutions.

Men are also stepping into roles that were traditionally seen as women’s responsibilities, like parenting and household duties. This helps distribute responsibilities more evenly and strengthens family bonds. My friend Jaspreet, for instance, decided to take paternity leave to spend more time with his newborn. It helped him build a stronger relationship with his child and support his wife.

Overall, these changes create a more balanced and inclusive society where everyone can thrive.

3. Interpersonal Relationships

Q.1. What qualities do you think are important for maintaining good relationships with friends and family?

Ans. Maintaining strong relationships with friends and family boils down to a few key qualities. First off, communication is crucial. Being open and honest helps prevent misunderstandings and builds trust. For example, whenever my best friend and I have disagreements, we make a point to talk things through, which keeps our bond solid.

Secondly, empathy plays a huge role. Understanding and sharing each other’s feelings deepens the connection. My sister and I are super close because we always try to empathize with each other and offer support.

Lastly, being reliable is a big deal. It shows you value and respect the other person when you keep your promises and are there when they need you. I’ve been lucky to have parents who’ve always been there for me, so I make sure to be just as supportive of them and my friends.

So, good relationships thrive on open communication, genuine empathy, and being someone others can count on. It’s all about building trust, understanding, and mutual support.

Q.2. How have digital communication tools affected the way people build and maintain relationships?

Ans. Digital communication tools have really changed the game when it comes to staying close with friends and family, and I think it’s mostly for the better. Take video calls, for example—they’ve made it so easy for me to catch up with my cousins in Canada. Despite the distance, we can chat face-to-face like we’re in the same room, which keeps our bond strong.

And then there’s social media. I love how platforms like Facebook and Instagram let me share updates and photos with everyone. It’s not just about posting; it’s about staying connected and starting conversations. When I post something, it’s like I’m sharing a piece of my life with everyone I care about, and it’s great hearing back from them.

Overall, these digital tools make it effortless to bridge the miles and keep relationships alive. They’re all about instant connection and making sure no matter where we are, we can always feel close to the people who matter most.

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