
Study Abroad: IEC 2023 Draws Targeting 90,000 Candidates in 2023

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Study Abroad: IEC 2023 Draws Targeting 90,000 Candidates in 2023
International Experience Canada (IEC) 2023 recently organized its 4th draw to send out invites to more than 5,300 candidates, most of which were to the Working Holiday Category; IEC 2023 targets to invite 90,000 candidates this 2023.

There are enough opportunities for international students to find the right universities in any country. However, many students need the proper exposure to be able to work in Canada after completing their studies. Also, there are many professionals who return to India after completing their degrees abroad but want to get back after some time. This news is a huge respite for the people who want to work in Canada. International Experience Canada has decided to invite 90,000 candidates to the country to strengthen its economy.

4th Draw of IRCC Covered One-Third of Target Quota

In the 4th draw of the IEC 2023, a major proportion of the candidates were of the Working Holiday category amounting to 4,481 candidates. 631 invites were in the Young Professionals category while 224 invites were in the International Co-op category: a category for international interns. To reach a count of 90,000 in the targeted draws in 2023, candidates will be invited from over 32 countries. However, IEC 2023 also declares that it has exhausted one-third of the country-wise quota in 2023!

What is the IEC 2023 Program?

The IRCC Minister announced at the start of this year while inaugurating IEC 2023 program, that more than 32 countries will now be able to migrate their professionals to Canada for better future prospects. This program is a youth mobility program as said by the Minister. Agreements have been made with more than 36 countries. The age range of youth that can stay and work in Canada is between 18 years to 35 years. Within the first four draws of IEC 2023, almost 27,000 candidates have been invited under the Working Holiday category.

IEC 2023 Eligibility

The country has declared three points of eligibility to be able to stay and work in Canada. These are given below:

  • The country of the applicant must be in agreement with Canada.
  • The applicant should plan to be in a recognized institution.
  • The maximum age of the applicant must be 35 years.

Indians will however have Express Entry to Canada as the major channel to work and live in Canada. 

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