
Helpful Phrases to Learn Before Studying Abroad in Ukraine

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Helpful Phrases to Learn Before Studying Abroad in Ukraine

Even after the recent geopolitical events which are related to Ukraine, It is one of the most affordable and culture-rich countries with a welcoming nature for international students thus making it one of the top study-abroad destinations for aspiring international students. If you are considering studying abroad in Ukraine and have already prepared about the practical aspects like finding the best University or accommodation, one hindrance which you might face is the language barrier thus resulting in a communication gap. In today’s blog, we will provide you with some of the phrases to learn before studying abroad in Ukraine.

About Ukraine Languages

Studying in any country can be difficult and challenging at the beginning but once you learn how to communicate and be aware of the native languages of that country your life would be a bit easier. Even though English is widely spoken in major cities and Universities in Russia, but still it’s good to be aware of their basic dialects and basic phrases which will ultimately be beneficial for you. The two official languages of Ukraine are Ukrainian and Russian, but you will find most people are bilingual or trilingual here. Depending on where you choose to study, you might encounter local speakers who speak one language more than the other. Let us understand this with an example, you may find Ukrainian to be more prevalent in the western and central regions of Ukraine whereas, Russian is more dominant in the eastern and southern regions.

Relevant Read- Ukraine Study Visa – Eligibility, Requirements, and Cost

Helpful Phrases to Learn with Categories

Here are some phrases to study abroad in Ukraine divided according to their categories which will be beneficial if you are planning to study abroad in Ukraine:

Greetings and Introductions

The first step for a good conversation starter is always greeting the other person properly which will automatically create a positive impact for you so here are some of the phrases, kindly have a look:

               English          Ukrainian or Russian
HelloPryvit/ Privet
Good MorningDobryi ranok/ Dobroye utro
Good Afternoon Dobryi den/ Dobryi den
Good EveningDobryi venchir/ Dobryi venchir
Good Night Na dobranich/ Spokoynoy nochi
How are you?Yak spravy?/ Kak dela?
I’m FineU mene vse dobre/ U menya vse khorosho
ThankyouDyakuyu/ Spasibo
Nice to meet youPryyemno poznayomytysya/ Priyatno poznakomit’sya
My name is…Mene zvaty…/ Menya zovut…

Direction and Transportation

Here are a few phrases to study abroad in Ukraine which will help you in direction and transportation:

            English               Ukrainian or Russian
Where is…?De…?/ Gde…?
How can I get to…?Yak ya mozhu dystatysya do …?/ Kak ya mogu dobrat’sya do …?
How far is it?Yaka vidstan?/ Yaka vidstan?

Shopping and Dining

Here are some phrases to study abroad in Ukraine which can help you out while shopping for groceries or enjoying some local food at Cuisine:

                   English                  Ukrainian or Russian
How much is it?Skilky tse koshtuye?/ Skolko eto stoit?
Do you accept credit cards?Vy pryymayete kredytni kartky?/ (Vy prinimayete kreditnye karty?
Where can I find…?De ya mozhu znayty …?/ Gde ya mogu nayti …?
Can I have the bill, please?Proshu rakhunok, bud laska? / Proshu schet, pozhaluysta?
Do you have …? U vas ye …?/ U vas est’ …?

Health and Emergencies

In case of any health issues or emergencies. Here are some phrases that will help you get medical attention or assistance: 

EnglishUkrainian or Russian
I need a doctorMeni potriben likar/ Mne nuzhen vrach
I have an allergy to …U mene alerhiya na …/ U menya allergiya na …
I have a feverU mene temperatura/ U menya temperatura
Call an ambulanceVykychte shvydku dopomohu/ Vyzovite skoruyu pomoshch
Where is the nearest pharmacy/hospital?De nayblyzhcha apteka/likarnya?/ Gde blizhayshaya apteka/bolnitsa?
Help!Dopomozhit!/ Pomogite!
PolicePolitsiya/ Politsiya
FirePozhezha/ Pozhar

Kindly Note, you may not understand these phrases or words but these can help you a lot if you face any hindrance related to communication with the locals of Ukraine.

Also ReadUkraine Medical Colleges


Q.1. What is Ukraine famous for?

Ans: Apart from high-quality education at affordable tuition fees, Ukraine is known for its beautiful beaches, historical cathedrals, and Orthodox traditions.

Q.2. What percentage of Ukraine’s population speaks English?

Ans: According to statistics and online polls, almost 50% of Ukraine’s population can speak English.

Q.3. Which are the Top Universities in Ukraine?

Ans: If you are considering studying abroad in Ukraine or any other country, and can’t pick the right course or University for yourself have a look at Leverage Edu’s new AI-powered Course Finder. This can find the best Universities in Ukraine or courses and specializations with completely personalized results according to you and your needs.phrases to study abroad in ukraine

This was everything related to Helpful Phrases to Learn Before Studying Abroad in Ukraine. As we all know how hectic and overwhelming the whole process of studying abroad can be so if you are searching for a top university and planning to study abroad, you can reach us at 1800 57 2000 and contact our Leverage Edu experts. Additionally, you can also connect with us through our socials like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

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