
5 Best GMAT Critical Reasoning Tips

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GMAT Critical Reasoning Tips

The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is a crucial standardized test that plays a very important role in the admission criteria of many business schools abroad. The GMAT consists of four main sections, and one of them is the Verbal section. In this section, there is a critical reasoning component that assesses your ability to comprehend and analyze spoken English. In this blog, we will explore GMAT critical reasoning tips to help you succeed in this challenging section of the test.

Name of ExamGMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) 
Score Range200-800
Duration3 hours

Also Read: Top 5 Benefits of GMAT Exam

GMAT Critical Reasoning Section

Critical Reasoning is one type of question in the GMAT Verbal section. Here are the 8 types of questions in the GMAT CR section:

  • weaken the argument/find the flaw in the argument
  • strengthen the argument
  • find the assumption
  • draw inference/conclusion
  • structure of the argument, including boldface 
  • structure questions and dialogue structure questions
  • evaluate the conclusion
  • complete the argument

5 GMAT Critical Reasoning Tips

These are the 5 tips to ace the GMAT Critical Reasoning section:

Make Sure You Practice Rigorously

Regular practice is the foundation of success in the Critical Reasoning section. Utilize official GMAT practice materials, prep books, and online resources that offer a wide variety of reading comprehension passages and critical reasoning questions.

Keep Having Access To All the Reading Materials

When reading comprehension passages, focus on active reading techniques. Highlight or take notes on key points, main ideas, and supporting evidence. 

You can also have access to all the reading materials available online and research accordingly.

Manage Your Time Accordingly

The GMAT is a timed test, so it’s crucial to manage your time wisely. Allocate a  specific amount of time for each passage or question, and stick to your schedule to ensure you complete the section on time.

Know Your Mistakes 

After each practice session, review the questions you answered incorrectly. Understand why you made the mistakes and learn from them. This will help you avoid similar errors in the future.

Keep an Eye on The Test Conditions

To prepare effectively, keep an eye on the test conditions. Practice in a quiet environment with headphones or speakers to mimic the actual testing experience. This will help you become comfortable with the test format and reduce anxiety on test day.

Also Read: Countries Accepting GMAT Scores 2023


1. The full form of the Graduate Management Admission Test.

What is the validity of GMAT scores?

2. What is the validity of GMAT scores?

The validity of GMAT scores is 5 years.

3. How many sections are there in the GMAT Exam?

There are 4 sections in the GMAT exam i.e. Quantitative Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, Integrated Reasoning (IR), and Analytical Writing (AWA). 

We hope that this extensive article on the same has helped in clearing some of your confusion related to the GMAT exam. If you’re planning to appear for the aptitude test and need further assistance, Leverage Edus experts can guide you on how to strategise better so that you can ace the test and soar towards your dream college!

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