
Easy Way to Go Abroad: Study or Work?

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easy way to go abroad

What is the easy way to go abroad? Studying or Working? Are you dreaming of exploring foreign shores, experiencing new cultures, and gaining a global perspective? Going abroad for either study or work is an incredible opportunity to achieve these dreams. Whether you’re seeking quality education or a fulfilling career overseas, this blog will guide you through the easy way to go abroad for study and work. Hence, we’ve got all the information you need to embark on this exciting journey, from application processes to financing your aspirations.


10 Easy Steps to Study Abroad

Studying abroad can be a life-changing experience which also broadens your horizons, and provides access to world-class education. Here are ten easy steps to help you get started on your journey to study abroad:

  1. Choose Your Program: Decide on the study program you want to pursue. Moreover, you can apply for undergraduate or postgraduate courses depending on your qualifications and interests.
  1. Select a Country: Research countries that align with your academic goals, career aspirations, and lifestyle preferences. Besides that, do not forget to consider factors like stay-back options, job opportunities, climate, and culture.
  1. Find the Right University: Don’t choose a university solely based on popularity. Instead, check global rankings, faculty, research opportunities, and course diversity. Look for institutes that offer the best match for your career goals.
  1. Shortlist and Apply: Once you’ve identified your preferred university, gather all necessary documents and apply. Before that, ensure you meet admission requirements and deadlines.
  1. Language Proficiency: Most countries require proof of English language proficiency through exams like IELTS, TOEFL, or PTE. Therefore, prepare for and take these exams if necessary.
  1. Financial Planning: Most importantly, create a budget plan to cover tuition fees, accommodation, living expenses, and any additional costs. Also, explore scholarships and financial aid options.
  1. Visa Application: After securing admission, apply for a student visa. For this, seek guidance from visa experts who can also assist with the application process and interview preparations.
  2. Pre-departure Services: Prepare for your journey by organizing accommodation, health insurance, and other essentials. Ensure you have all the necessary documents.
  1. Stay Informed: Stay updated with information about your chosen destination, its culture, and any changes in immigration policies. Connect with future peers and explore opportunities for part-time work.
  1. Explore Exchange Programs: Consider student exchange programmes to enrich your academic experience. These programmes offer cultural immersion and shorter-term study opportunities.

Top Exchange Student Scholarships for International Students 2023

10 Easy Ways to Go Abroad For Work

Working abroad is a fantastic way to gain international exposure, expand your professional network, and experience diverse work cultures. Here are ten steps to make working abroad an easy endeavour:

  1. Through an Agency/Program Provider: Many agencies and programme providers specialise in facilitating international work opportunities. Subsequently, they offer support with job placement, visa processing, and orientation.
  1. Teaching Abroad: Consider working as an English teacher, any other language teacher or in your field of expertise in foreign countries. Teaching positions are in high demand and often come with added benefits.
  1. Independent Job Search: If you prefer autonomy, you can search for jobs abroad independently. Utilise online job portals and company websites to explore opportunities.
  1. Working Holiday Visa: Some countries offer working holiday visas for young adults. These visas allow you to work and travel simultaneously. Research countries that provide this option.
  1. Work Exchange Programs: Explore work exchange programmes that offer room and board in exchange for your services. This can be an affordable way to live and work abroad.
  1. Volunteer Work: Volunteering is a fulfilling way to contribute to a cause while experiencing a new country. Look for volunteer programmes that align with your interests and values.
  1. Freelance/Digital Nomad: If you have a freelance career or digital skills, consider working remotely while travelling. Embrace the digital nomad lifestyle and explore new places.
  1. Networking: Build a strong professional network, attend international conferences, and connect with professionals in your field who have experience working abroad.
  2. Internships: There is an option for students to go abroad for an internship for their summer vacations. Some degrees that require internship experience for credit scores are ideal for pursuing a long-term internship abroad.
  3. Company Transfers: Many multinational companies offer internal transfers for candidates who upskill and apply for transfers to another company. You will have to go through a procedure again.

Is It Easy to Go Abroad As a Student or Working Professional?

This question is not a simple one, there are many factors to consider. Moreover, the answers depend majorly on case to case for each person. Here are some that you can consider.

  1. If you are considering before or after your graduation for higher studies, then it is better to go for higher studies like a Master’s and then start working in the country on a post-study work visa (if applicable).
  2. Studying helps you have a record in the country before actually contacting the employers for work.
  3. It is better to go as a working professional if you are already working or have completed your education.
  4. In this case, after moving to the country you can look for Executive MBA programs or some short courses to skill up your game.
  5. It also majorly depends on your preferences. Some people leave their jobs to pursue an MBA abroad and others prefer working right after graduation and use their experience to go abroad.

Top 10 Places to Study Abroad

Check below the top 10 places to study abroad:

  • South Korea
  • Spain
  • Switzerland
  • The Netherlands
  • Germany
  • France
  • Canada
  • The United States
  • Australia
  • The United Kingdom

Also Read: Study Abroad: Tips & Strategies for Ensuring Safety at University


What are some ways to study abroad for free?

Several countries, such as Germany and the Nordic nations, offer tuition-free education for international students. Public universities often charge minimal administrative fees. Additionally, numerous scholarships are available for Indian students to study abroad, such as TATA Scholarships, Inlaks Scholarships, and Fulbright Scholarships.

How do I prepare for a student visa interview?

To prepare for a student visa interview, gather all required documents, including your admission letter, financial proof, and visa application form. Practise answering common interview questions confidently. Seek guidance from visa experts or consultancies like Kanan International for personalised assistance.

What are the advantages of working abroad independently?

Working abroad independently provides flexibility and allows you to choose the job that aligns best with your career goals. You can explore opportunities across various industries and locations, making it a versatile option for professional growth.

In conclusion, whether you aspire to study abroad or embark on an international career, the easy way to go abroad is within your reach. Don’t let geographical boundaries limit your aspirations; the world is your oyster, waiting to be explored! For more such blogs follow Leverage Edu!

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