
Study Abroad In Kent: $20 Million Support to International Students in Kent

2 minute read
Study Abroad: Decline in Enrolment Projections But International Students at Rise. Know How?
The VP of the Office of Global Education has planned a $20 Million endowment fund to support international students to study abroad in Kent.

With the rise in study abroad and housing costs, Kent State has planned to support international students with $20 Million towards the endowment fund. This decision has been taken by the Vice President of the Office of Global Education. 

Kent students from abroad countries have the liberty to take part in over 200 programs considering students from over 60 countries. The opportunity will help the students to live financially anxiety-free. The goal is to make study abroad accessible to all international students in Kent.

Gala Events: Endowment Fund For International Students

Kent State’s Office of Global Education is planning a week-long celebration of the 50-year attainment of the Florence Program. One of the events is a gala dinner where the invitees would be able to donate towards the State’s initiative for the international students in Kent. 

This event will build an endowment fund for these students who would otherwise find abroad studies very difficult. This endowment fund would be dissipated over a course of 5 years towards the education of international students in Kent. Over 200 programs and 60 countries are to be nominated for this endowment fund to the grace of Marcello Fantoni, the VP.

Concern for International Students

Fantoni mentions that the Department of Philanthropy and Advancement plans to make and dissipate the endowment fund over a duration of 5 years to reach $20 Million. He wants the guests of the Gala to understand the lives of international students.

They would be taken on field trips, attend classes, and also follow the faculty. The involvement of the guests in the academic integration will not only encourage them to donate to the endowment fund but also boost international students to study better and feel included.

As an addition to the Florence program, this endowment fund will allow international students to have a better appreciation of the study abroad opportunities. Along with education, they will learn more about inclusion and diversity which is super important for the growth of the students into professionals. Fantoni’s concern is that the study abroad scholarships for international students is not enough. These scholarships cut out students that are often more meritorious but lack the right financial aid.

Thus, Kent State is all set to welcome more international students through its immersive study abroad endowment plan. Studying abroad is becoming easier and more affordable because of such efforts from the Governments.

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