What is the Noun of Humble? Check Meaning, Synonyms & Examples

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Noun of Humble

The abstract noun of humble is ‘humiliating’ which refers to the quality of being humble, which means having a modest view of one’s importance. Some common synonyms for humiliating are embarrassing, mortify, shame, disgrace, chasten, and disgracing to name a few from the list which you will find below. To get more information about the noun ‘humility’, its meaning and its synonyms and a quiz to test your knowledge make sure you continue reading this blog post.  

Must Read: What are Nouns? Check Definition, Types & Examples

What is the Abstract Noun of Humble? – Meaning & Origin

By now, you must be aware that the abstract noun of humble is ‘humiliating’. We all know the meaning of this word which refers to the person who doesn’t brag about their achievements and acknowledges their limitations. Other than this word also refers to someone’s social standing, possessions, or even physical size. 

The word “humiliating” is a relatively recent invention, emerging in the mid-18th century (between 1750 and 1760). However, its roots go much deeper, tracing back to the Latin language.

Also Read: 25 Examples of Abstract Nouns in Sentences

Synonyms of Abstract Noun of Humble

Take a look at the list of synonyms of abstract noun of humble i.e. ‘humiliating’ in its noun form. 

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Picture of Abstract Noun of Humble

If you are on the lookout for similar words for the noun of humble, then here is a picture of the same which has all the synonyms. You can save this picture and keep it for future reference which will help later on to work on your English Language.

Noun of Humble: Synonym of Humility

Examples of Humble as Noun in Sentences

Now that you are aware of the noun of humble, what its noun form is. It’s time you find out how the word can be used in the sentences which we have compiled for you. By going through the same, you will get to know how you can create a sentence of your own.

  • The public apology was humiliating, forcing him to admit his wrongdoing in front of the world.
  • Tripping on stage during her dance solo was a humiliating experience, but she kept her composure and finished the routine.
  • The teacher’s constant criticism in front of the class was humiliating, making her feel like giving up.
  • He refused to answer the humiliating question, choosing to remain silent rather than engage.
  • Winning the game by a single point, after boasting about a sure victory, was a humiliating turn of events.

Noun Quiz

After acquiring all the knowledge, it’s time you test yourself with the help of this quiz which we have prepared for you.

  1. Which is the closest synonym for “humiliating” in this sentence: “The comedian’s jokes left the audience feeling awkward and uncomfortable”?

a)  Delighted

b)  Discomfiting

c)  Elated

d)  Praised

  1. What is the part of speech of “humiliating” in the sentence: “The public exposure of his cheating was a humiliating experience”?

a)  Verb

b)  Adjective

c)  Noun

d)  Adverb

  1. Which sentence uses “humiliating” correctly?

a)  She received a humiliating grade on her perfectly written essay.

b)  Despite the humiliating loss, the team held their heads high.

c)  He offered a humiliating apology for his mistake.

d)  The challenge was humiliating, but she rose to the occasion.

Check Your Answers!

  1. Discomforting
  2. Adjective
  3. Despite the humiliating loss, the team held their heads high. 
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This was all about the “noun of humble: meaning, synonyms and examples.” Hopefully, you understand the concept and where it’s used. You can also follow Leverage Edu for more exciting and informative blogs.

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