What is the Noun of Necessary? Meaning, Synonyms & Examples

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Noun of Necessary

The abstract noun of necessary is ‘necessity’ which refers to the state of something being essential or unavoidable. It could also be a thing, a condition, or an indispensable action. Common synonyms of this word are necessarily, inevitably, inescapably, required, and need among others. To find out more information about the noun of necessary and how it can be used in sentences, its synonyms and much more then make sure you keep reading this article. 

What is the Abstract Noun of Necessary? – Origin & Meaning

Now that you are aware of the abstract noun of ‘necessary’. To help you understand, an abstract noun refers to something that cannot be touched or seen but can be understood through thought or feeling. Similarly, the word ‘necessity’ is a concept or idea, and doesn’t have a physical form, making it an abstract noun.

You must first understand the definition behind the word as well. The word ‘necessity’ is a fundamental concept that encompasses a range of meanings. One of the most common meanings is indispensable for survival or a specific purpose. (Example: food, water, air we breathe or specific tools for a task.) Another meaning could be a situation that forces a particular action or outcome. (Example: Economic necessity driving someone to take a job, natural disasters forcing evacuations.)

The origin of the word ‘necessity’ traces its roots back to the Latin word “necessitas”, which means “unavoidableness, compulsion, exigency, necessity.”

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Synonyms of Abstract Noun of Necessary

After you have gone through all the above information about the abstract noun of ‘necessary’. You should now take a look at some of the synonyms that can be used in place of it. Upon using the words below, you will be able to enhance your writing and communication skills. 

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Pictures of Abstract Noun of Necessary

If you are on the lookout for more words, then we have got you covered. By using some more of these similar words you will be able to experiment more with your sentences. What are you waiting for? Save and download this picture which will be quite useful for the future. 

Noun of Necessary: Synonyms of Necessity

Examples of Necessity in Sentences

Here are a few example sentences on how you can use the words ‘necessary’ and ‘necessity’ at the time of writing. These will help you get an idea of how these two words can be used. 

  • Water is a basic necessity for human survival.
  • The necessity for change became evident after the crisis.
  • Necessity is the mother of invention.
  • There is no necessity to rush.
  • He felt a strong necessity to help others.
  • The necessity for change is clear.
  • The necessity of water is essential for life.
  • Economic necessity often drives people to make difficult choices.

Also Read: 25 Examples of Abstract Nouns in Sentences

Noun Quiz

After you have learned all the information above, it is time to check your understanding. We have compiled this quiz which will help you with the same. You can check yourself with the answers that are mentioned at the end. 

  1. Is “necessary” an adjective or a noun?
  2. Is “necessity” an adjective or a noun?
  3. Which word, “necessary” or “necessity,” is used to describe something that is essential?
  4. Complete the sentence: It is ________ to eat fruits and vegetables.
  5. Complete the sentence: Water is a basic ________ for life.
  6. Is having a car a necessity in a big city? (Yes/No)
  7. Is it necessary to wear a seatbelt while driving? (Yes/No)
  8. Which word is more likely to be used in a formal context, “necessary” or “need”?
  9. Can you give an example of a necessity for a student?
  10. What is the opposite of “necessary”?
  11. Is “necessity” a concrete or abstract noun?
  12. Can you use “necessity” in a sentence about survival?
  13. What is the root word of “necessary”?
  14. Can “necessary” be used as an adverb?
  15. Give a synonym for “necessity.”

Check your answers

  1. Adjective
  2. Noun
  3. Necessary
  4. Necessary
  5. Necessity
  6. No
  7. Yes
  8. Necessary
  9. Textbooks
  10. Unnecessary
  11. Abstract noun
  12. Yes, e.g., Food is a necessity for survival.
  13. Necessary
  14. No
  15. Requirement
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What is the abstract noun of necessary?

The abstract noun of ‘necessary’ is ‘necessity’ which refers to a situation that cannot be avoided. 

What type of noun is luck?

The word ‘luck’ comes under an unaccountable noun which refers to something that cannot be counted. Some examples that will come under this are air, rice, water, and so on.

What is a proper noun? 

A proper noun refers to something that serves as the name for a specific place, person, or thing.  Names of people, places, businesses, organisations, books, films, music, and other media are common examples of proper nouns.

What is the noun of importantly?

The noun of ‘importantly’ is ‘importance’ which refers to a quality or condition of being important or worthy of note. significance or prominence.

This was all about the “noun of necessary: meaning, synonyms and examples.” Hopefully, you understand the concept and where it’s used. You can also follow Leverage Edu for more exciting and informative blogs on Learn English.

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