What is the Noun of Simple? Check Meaning, Synonyms & Examples

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The abstract noun of ‘simple’ is ‘simplicity’ where this word comes with several meanings, depending on the context. The most common meaning of this word refers to something that is easy to understand or do, without a lot of parts or steps. You will come across other meanings of this word later. Some common words which can be used in place of this word include clarity, clearness, plainness, simpleness, directness and several others. To get more information about the noun of simple, continue reading this blog post. 

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What is the Abstract Noun of Simple? – Meaning & Origin

After finding out the abstract noun of simple, it is now time that we understand the other meanings that are related to this word. This word also describes something plain and basic, without a lot of decoration or frills. Not only this, it also implies a person who is straightforward and genuine, without being fake or pretentious. 

Speaking of origin, the word “simplicity” has a layered origin, tracing back to both French and Latin. It comes from Middle English “simplicite,” borrowed from Old French “simplicite” (12th century).

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Synonyms of Abstract Noun of Simple

After going through all the information about the noun of simple, one must also be aware of the similar words that can be used in place of this word. Check out this small table which lists synonyms for the noun of ‘simple’ which is ‘simplicity’.

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Pictures of Abstract Noun of Simple

If you are looking for more synonyms for the noun of simple, then we have got you. Knowing more synonyms for this word will be beneficial in improving your written as well as spoken English. Check out this picture which lists more synonyms. You can save and download this picture and keep it safe for future reference.

noun of simple

Examples of Simple as Noun in Sentences

After going through all the information above, you must be aware of how this word can be used in the construction of sentences. To help you, we have compiled a few of them which will help you. 

  1. The recipe’s simplicity made it perfect for a weeknight meal.
  2. She found beauty in the garden’s simplicity, just flowers and herbs.
  3. His writing style valued clarity and simplicity for maximum impact.
  4. Don’t confuse simplicity with shallowness; depth can thrive in basic forms.
  5. Embracing simplicity meant focusing on what truly mattered.

Also Read: 25 Examples of Abstract Nouns in Sentences

Noun Quiz

After you have learnt all the information, we have compiled a small quiz which will help you check your knowledge on this topic with the help of the answers we have mentioned below. 

  1. Which word is a synonym for “simplicity” when referring to ease of understanding?

a) Ornateness

b) Clarity  

c) Complexity

d) Enigma

2. The artist’s paintings were known for their lack of elaborate details, reflecting a love of ___.

a) Confusion

b) Candor  

c) Exuberance

d) Intricacy

3. What is the ORIGIN of the word “simplicity”?

a) Greek

b) Latin  

c) Japanese

d) Arabic

Check Your Answers!

  1. Clarity
  2. Candor
  3. Latin
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This was all about the “noun of simple: meaning, synonyms and examples.” Hopefully, you understand the concept and where it’s used. You can also follow Leverage Edu for more exciting and informative blogs.

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