What is Noun of New? Check Meaning, Synonyms & Examples 

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Noun of New

A noun for “new” is “novelty,” which refers to the quality of being new, original, or unusual. It represents the state of being fresh, different, and not previously experienced. While, synonyms for novelty include innovation, freshness, and originality among others. If you wish to know more about the noun for new, its meaning, and how it can be included in sentences, then keep reading this blog.

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What is the Type of Noun of New? – Meaning and Origin

The primary noun form for “new” is novelty. However, the word ‘novelty’ falls under two different categories depending on its usage and context, do check them out.

Part of SpeechWordMeaningExample
Uncountable NounNoveltyAn innovative idea, item, or experience that is different from what is usual.The novelty of the invention was its ability to solve a problem in a completely new way.
Uncountable NounNewnessIt describes the state or condition of something that is fresh, original, or not previously experienced.The newness of the technology excited the team means that the technology being new brought excitement or interest.

The word “new” originates from the Old English word “niwe” or “neowe,” which is related to similar words in other Germanic languages. Its origins can be traced back to the 

Proto-Germanic word “neuwaz,” and further to the Proto-Indo-European origin “ne-” or “new-,” meaning “new” or “recent.”

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Synonyms of New

Several other words can be used in place of “new,” each adding a little different meaning or context to the idea of something being new or original. Here are some common synonyms in simple words: 

  • Innovation
  • Freshness
  • Originality
  • Uniqueness
  • Modernity
  • Novelty
  • Invention
  • Creation
  • Fresh
  • Modern
  • Recent

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Picture of Noun of New

To find out some more of the words that can be used in place of ‘newness’ or ‘novelty’ check out the picture below. You can always save and download this picture for future reference.

Synonyms of New

Examples of Noun for New in Sentences

Understanding with the help of examples will help students see how nouns of “new” function as nouns in sentences. Here are some simple examples:

  • The novelty of the new gadget wore off quickly.
  • Her novelty in designing attracted many clients.
  • The newness of the book’s ideas challenged traditional thinking and sparked lively debates
  • The novelty of the experience made the trip unforgettable.
  • She was captivated by the newness of the city, exploring every street with fresh eyes.

Also Read: Singular and Plural Nouns for Class 2 Kids

Noun Quiz

Instructions: Choose the correct answer from the below options:

In which sentence is “new” used as a noun to describe a concept or quality?

  1. The newness of the car was evident from its shine.
  2. He loved the new books he got for his birthday.
  3. The new approach was refreshing.
  4. New ideas are always welcome in creative fields.

Answer: 1

Which of the following sentences uses “new” correctly as a noun?

  1. The students were excited about the novelty of the new course. 
  2. The teacher introduced a new method of teaching.  
  3. They were fascinated by the new in the exhibit. 
  4. Her ideas were always new and innovative.

Answer: 1

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This was all about the noun of new. Hope you understand the concept and know how to proceed. You can also follow Leverage Edu for more exciting and informative blogs.

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