What is the Abstract Noun of Live? Check Meaning, Synonyms & Examples

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Noun of Live

The abstract noun of live is ‘Life’, encapsulating the essence of living. It refers to the existence of an individual, the period during which a person or animal is alive, and the experiences and activities that make up one’s existence. The synonyms of life can be existence, vitality, liveliness, being, and many more you will read in this blog henceforth. 

Must Read: What are Nouns?

What is the Abstract Noun of Live – Meaning & Origin

As discussed above the verb live becomes ‘life’ in its abstract noun form as it represents ideas, qualities, and concepts rather than tangible objects. After all, life is intangible, yet it profoundly influences our actions, thoughts, and emotions.

The word “life” has its roots in the Old English word “lif,” which is derived from the Proto-Germanic “libam.” Over time, the word has evolved in spelling and pronunciation but has consistently represented the concept of living and existence. 

Quick Read: Abstract Noun: Meaning, Definition, Examples

11+ Synonyms of Live as Noun 

Now, go through the table below and read different synonyms for live as a noun that can improve your writing skills and expression. 


Pictures of Abstract Noun of Live

Here are some more synonyms for the abstract noun of live, which will help you in adding variety to your writing and not repeat the same word again. Below is the picture which you can save, download and keep it safely for future reference.

Explore more exciting synonyms below!

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Nouns - Concrete and Abstract | English Grammar & Composition Grade 4 | Periwinkle
Credits: Periwinkle

Example Sentences for Noun of Live

Here, you will get to see how the verb ‘Live’ and its synonyms can be used in different English sentences as a noun:

  1. The existence of life on other planets is a subject of much debate.
  2. Her vitality and enthusiasm for life were infectious.
  3. The liveliness of the festival brought the entire community together.
  4. His spirit remained unbroken despite the hardships he faced in life.
  5. Meditation helps one understand their true being and purpose in life.

Quick Read: 25 Examples of Abstract Nouns in Sentences

Noun Quiz

Now that you have come this far in learning the noun of live, make sure to test your knowledge of the word through the following exercises. 

Q.1. Which sentence uses the noun “life” correctly?

A. They argued about their lives together.

B. She cherished every moment of her life.

C. The scientist studied the life cycle of a butterfly.

D. The party brought life to the dull town.

Q.2. What is the function of the noun “life” in the sentence “The meaning of life is a complex question”?

A. Adverb

B. Verb

C. Adjective

D. Noun 

Answer Key

Q.1. B. She cherished every moment of her life.

Q.2. D. Noun

Explore more reads on Noun below!

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What is a Verbal Noun? Difference between Nouns and Pronouns
What are Material Nouns?Countable and Uncountable Nouns

This was all about the “noun form of live and its meanings and examples.” Hopefully, you understand the concept and where it’s used. You can also follow Leverage Edu for more exciting and informative blogs on Learn English.

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