Famous Indian Proverbs in English Language that People Should Know!

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Famous Indian Proverbs in English

In the English Language, Indian proverbs are timeless phrases of learning passed down through the years, presenting insights into life and human behaviour. These sayings are cultural, beliefs, values, and experiences in simple yet deep ways. Furthermore, comprehending these proverbs not only improves language but also provides valuable lessons about relationships, decision-making, and the complexities of life. They serve as guiding principles and reminders of universal truths that resonate across different cultures and contexts. Familiarizing oneself with these famous Indian proverbs in the English language opens doors to deeper cultural understanding and appreciation of traditional wisdom. Keep on reading this blog for some famous Indian proverbs in the English language.

Also Read: 100+ Common Proverbs with Meaning and Examples

7 Best Indian Proverbs in English That Will Inspire Students

By understanding and embracing these proverbs, students can gain a deeper appreciation for Indian culture while attracting motivation and encouragement to excel in their academic and personal ambitions. Let’s have a look at this table:

“Be so busy improving yourself that you
have no time to criticise others.”
This proverb means that you should focus on your own personal growth and development so much that you don’t find time to judge or criticize other people. Instead of pointing out faults in others, invest your energy in bettering yourself and achieving your goals.
“The future depends on what we do today.”This proverb means that what we choose to do now will have a direct impact on what happens in the future. It emphasizes the importance of our actions and decisions in shaping the outcomes and opportunities that we will encounter later on.
“Life is like a game of cards. The hand you
are dealt is determinism; the way you play, it is free will.”
This proverb compares life to playing cards. The cards you receive represent determinism, which means factors beyond your control. How you choose to play those cards represents free will, meaning the choices and actions you take based on those circumstances are up to you.
“Remember, no one is stopping you from lighting a lamp in a dark night.”The means that you have the power to make a positive change or bring light into a difficult situation. It emphasizes that even in challenging times or situations, you have the ability to take action and make things better.
“You have to dream before your dreams can come true.”Before you can make your dreams a reality, you must first imagine them. This proverb indicates that having aspirations and visualising your goals is the initial step toward achieving them. It highlights the importance of dreaming and visualizing what you want to accomplish before taking action to turn those dreams into reality.
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”It encourages living life fully, making the most of each day as if it could be your last. At the same time, it emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and growth throughout life as if you were going to live indefinitely.
“We are kept from our goal not by obstacles but by a clear path to a lesser goal.”This suggests that what often prevents us from achieving our main objective isn’t obstacles in our way, but rather being lured into pursuing easier or less important goals instead of staying focused on our primary aim.
“The power of concentration is the only key
to the treasure-house of knowledge.”
It suggests that focusing your attention and concentrating deeply are the essential ways to access and acquire knowledge. Just like a key unlocks a treasure chest, concentration unlocks the door to understanding and learning new things effectively.

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7 Famous Quotes By Indian Authors

In this section, we will explore inspirational and thoughtful quotes by Indian authors in addition to famous Indian proverbs in English. Quotes covered in this section showcase the knowledge and understanding of leaders and academicians through memorable words. These quotes often reflect their perspectives on society, life, and human experiences. These quotes by Indian authors can touch hearts, produce thought, and convey timeless messages that exceed the boundaries of time and culture. Here are some famous quotes from Indian authors with their meanings. 

Live As If You Were to Die Tomorrow. Learn As if You Were to Live Forever.

Meaning: This quote advises people to live each day as if it could be their last, enjoying life to the fullest. At the same time, it encourages continuous learning and growth as if there were endless opportunities to improve oneself and acquire knowledge throughout life.

We Are What Our Thoughts Have Made Us; So Take Care About What You Think. Words Are Secondary. Thoughts Live; They Travel Far.

Meaning: It means that our thoughts shape who we are as individuals. It underlines the importance of being mindful of what we think because our thoughts define our character and influence our actions more than our words do.

I Slept and Dreamt That Life Was Joy. I Awoke and Saw That Life was Service. I Acted and Behold, Service was Joy.

Meaning: This quote suggests that initially, the person believed life was only about happiness and pleasure, as seen in dreams. Upon waking up and experiencing real life, they understood that true fulfilment comes from serving others and making a positive impact.

Ghosts Are All Around Us. Look For Them, And You Will Find Them.

Meaning: This quote suggests that if you believe in ghosts or are afraid of them, you might start seeing or sensing them everywhere you go, even if they may not actually be there. It implies that our beliefs and fears can influence what we perceive or experience in our surroundings.

When the Flower Blooms, The Bees Come Uninvited.

Meaning: It signifies that when something good or desirable happens, other related good things tend to follow naturally, without needing to be invited or sought out. It suggests that success or positivity attracts further positive outcomes or opportunities effortlessly.

We are Indians, Firstly and Lastly.

Meaning: This quote implies that our identity as Indians is fundamental and enduring it is the most important aspect of who we are, both at the beginning and at the end of everything else. It emphasizes the deep-rooted sense of belonging and pride in being Indian, which remains constant throughout our lives.

We Live In a Wonderful World That is Full of Beauty, Charm and Adventure. There is No End to the Adventures That We Can Have If Only We Seek Them With Our Eyes Open.

Meaning: The above quote means that our world is amazing and filled with beautiful and charming things to explore. If we stay observant and curious, endless adventures are waiting for us to discover. It encourages us to keep our eyes open and actively seek out new experiences and opportunities for excitement.

Read More Blogs on Proverbs

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We hope this blog has provided all the necessary information on famous Indian proverbs in the English language that people should know! To advance your grammar knowledge and read more informative blogs, check out our Learn English page and don’t forget to follow Leverage Edu.

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