11+ Antonyms of Courage, Meaning and Examples 

2 minute read

The antonyms of “courage” are cowardice, fear, timidity, weakness or irresolution. To make an impression and get well-versed in vocabulary one should know at least a few antonyms of general words like “courage.”

“Courage” is a word that is regularly used in general day-to-day communication. We come across this word at least once a day. Not just this we also use its antonyms quite frequently.

Meaning of Courage 

“Courage” is a word that is used in everyday conversation. However, to make things simpler for you we will explain the meaning of this word in short.

Courage is the willingness to confront fear and take action despite it.

10+ Opposites of Courage  

Mentioned below are some words that can be used as antonyms to the word courage: 

  • Fear
  • Cowardice
  • Timidity
  • Weakness
  • Insecurity
  • Pusillanimity
  • Tremor
  • Apprehension
  • Faintheartedness
  • Cravenness
  • Regenerate

Also Read: 110+ Antonyms

Usage with Examples 

Given below are some examples of how the antonyms of “courage” can be used in a sentence:

  1. Cowardice
    • Example: His cowardice prevented him from speaking out against the injustice.
  2. Fearfulness
    • Example: Her fearfulness held her back from pursuing her dreams.
  3. Timidity
    • Example: His timidity made it difficult for him to assert himself in the meeting.
  4. Weakness
    • Example: Her weakness in the face of adversity disappointed her supporters.
  5. Insecurity
    • Example: His constant insecurity hindered his ability to make decisions.

Antonyms of Courage Quiz

  1. What is the antonym of “courage”?
  2. a) Fear
  3. b) Strength
  4. c) Bravery
  5. d) Confidence

Answer: (A)

This was all about the antonym of “courage” meaning and examples. Hope you understood the concept where it’s used. For more such blogs, follow Leverage Edu.

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