Alternative Conjunction: Check Definition, Uses, & Exercise

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Alternative Conjunction is a type of conjunction that conveys an opposite relationship between a clause, phrase, or words. Having more knowledge about these will be very helpful in forming a sentence or preparing for competitive exams. After all, it is a glue that binds sentences and ideas together. To get a complete insight into alternative conjunction continue reading this blog. 

Alternative Conjunction – Definition

This type of coordinating conjunction mainly expresses an opposite relationship between two words, clauses, phrases and sentences. For example: He has little experience; nevertheless, he took on the challenge with determination.

Read more: List of Conjunctions

Uses of Alternative Conjunction 

Alternative Conjunction is ideally used to choose between two alternative options or to deny between two distinguishing conjunctions. Some of the frequently used alternative words are Neither…nor, either…or, Otherwise, Or, else, are.


  • Either Milk or eggs are recommended for good eyesight. (Both are good sources of vitamins)
  • Neither burgers nor fries are beneficial to reduce obesity. (Both cause obesity).

15 + Alternative Conjunction Examples

Here are some examples that will help students understand alternative conjunctions and inculcate their usage in their daily lives. 

  • Either come in or go out.
  • He studied hard however he still failed the exam.
  • The weather was terrible nevertheless, they decided to go for a hike.
  • She was tried; nonetheless, he continued working on his project.
  • He not only finished his work but moreover exceeded expectations.
  • The researcher showed promising results, furthermore, it suggested potential solutions.
  • He loves to travel, on the other hand, her husband prefers staying at home.
  • They believe in climate change conversely, others deny its existence.
  • The city is busting with festivities; in contrast, the people are having fun.
  • We can choose to fly to your destination; alternatively, we can take the train.
  • She was busy with her work, meanwhile, her husband was preparing dinner.
  • Finish your homework now; otherwise; you won’t have a relaxing time.
  • He enjoys playing the piano; in addition, she is skilled at painting.
  • Rahul enjoys playing the piano; in addition, he is skilled at painting.
  • She didn’t study for the exam; as a result, he failed.
  • The roads were blocked; hence I had to find an alternative route.
  •  It’s raining heavily; therefore I should bring an umbrella.
  • He invested in stocks; thus, he was able to grow his wealth.
  • She missed the bus, and consequently, she arrived late for the meeting.
Alternative conjunction examples

Also read: 11+ Examples of Conjunctions

Related Read

19+ Because Conjunction ExamplesCorrelative Conjunctions Examples & Exercises
Conjunction for Class 5Correlative Conjunctions
Subordinating Conjunctions: Understand Meaning, Types11+ Examples of Conjunctions With Exercises

Practise Exercise 

Instruction: Complete the following sentence with a suitable conjunction.

  1. The weather was terrible; __________ they decided to go ahead.
  2. The project seemed daunting; __________ we decided to go ahead with their plans.
  3. The test was difficult; ___________, he managed to pass with flying colours.
  4. She has been through a lot; _______she remained optimistic about the future.
  5. The day was long and tiring; __________we found the strength to keep going.

Note: (Helping word: Nevertheless, However, Still, Yet, Notwithstanding, Despite)


What do you understand by Alternative Conjunctions?

As already mentioned above, these conjunction shows alternative relationships between words, phrases and clauses. Examples: either…or, Otherwise, Or, else, are, consequently, hence, as result

What are the 7 main conjunctions?

In English grammar, seven conjunctions are used: For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, and So.

This was all about the Alternative Conjunction and their usage in English grammar. Hope you understand the concept and know how to proceed. You can also follow the Learn English page of Leverage Edu for more exciting and informative blogs.

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