
Notice Period: Do’s and Don’ts

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Notice Period

While social media might have changed your perception about serving a notice period for being carefree, it is actually the other way around. Serving this period is not what you typically see in those memes and videos. It is about fulfilling your “last duties” as a responsible employee. There are certain do’s and don’ts that you need to follow during this duration. Following these do’s and don’ts will help you with a smooth transition and a respectful departure. If you are someone who is planning to resign or find a new job, then you must read this blog till the end. This blog will help you understand the do’s and don’ts of serving this time. 

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What is a Notice Period?

It is a fixed duration, typically stated in an employment contract, that an employee must provide to their employer before resigning from their position. Usually, this ranges from 30 days to 90 days, depending completely on the company. During this period, the employee remains on the job, fulfilling their regular duties and responsibilities. The purpose of a notice period is to allow the employer time to find a replacement or make necessary adjustments to workflow. It also offers the departing employee an opportunity to wrap up tasks, hand over responsibilities, and ensure a smooth transition. The length of the final serving period varies and is determined by company policies or negotiated terms in the employment agreement.

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Is Serving Notice Period Necessary? 

Serving this duration is generally necessary and considered a professional obligation. Failing to adhere to the notice period can lead to unprofessional relationships, and potential legal consequences, and may negatively impact future jobs. However, there can be exceptions based on specific circumstances and mutual agreements between the employer and employee.

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Do’s of Serving a Notice Period 

Here are the do’s of serving a notice period. By following these dos, you’ll not only maintain your professional integrity but also contribute to a smoother transition for both yourself and your employer. This positive approach will help you maintain good professional relationships as you move forward in your career. 

Maintain Professionalism 

During your notice period, continue to perform your duties with the same level of professionalism and dedication as before. This demonstrates your commitment to the company and leaves a positive long-lasting impression. It also ensures that your colleagues and superiors remember you as a reliable and responsible team member.

Have a Clear Communication

Keep the lines of communication open with your managers and colleagues. If you have any questions or concerns about your transition, discuss them openly. Effective communication can help address any potential issues and ensure a smoother handover of responsibilities.

Provide a Strong Handover

Take the time to document and communicate all relevant information about your tasks, projects, and responsibilities. This includes providing clear instructions, sharing important files, and offering any necessary training to your beneficiary. A thorough handover will minimize any disruptions and will help maintain continuity in the workflow.

Offer Assistance 

If possible, offer to assist in finding and training your replacement. This gesture shows your willingness to support the company’s success even as you prepare to leave. It also demonstrates your professionalism.

Fulfill Financial and Administrative Duties

Ensure that you settle any outstanding financial matters, such as returning company property or addressing expenses. Adhering to financial and administrative protocols during your notice period demonstrates your integrity and ensures a clean departure.

Source: Job Ladders Recruitment Consultancy

Dont’s of Serving a Notice Period 

Here are the don’ts of serving a notice period. The way you handle your final serving time and adhere to these don’ts will help ensure a smooth and respectful departure from your current job. 

Don’t Ignore your Responsibilities

Avoid reducing your effort or productivity during your notice period. Continuing to perform at your usual level of excellence demonstrates professionalism and respect for your employer.

Don’t Neglect the Handover Process

Failing to properly transfer your responsibilities and knowledge to your beneficiary can lead to disruptions in workflow and create unnecessary stress for your colleagues. Take the time to provide thorough documentation and training for an easy transition.

Don’t Be Negative

Avoid engaging in negative conversations that can possibly harm your professional reputation and relationships. Indulging in negative discussions about your colleagues, supervisors or higher management can potentially impact future opportunities.

Don’t Violate Confidentiality

Maintaining confidentiality is crucial, even when leaving a position. Sharing sensitive or confidential information can have legal consequences and damage your professional integrity. Always adhere to the company’s confidentiality policies, both during and after the notice period. 

Don’t Make Commitments 

Be careful about starting new projects or making commitments that may extend beyond your notice period. Starting a new project during your this time can divert your focus from fulfilling your current responsibilities and weaken your professional relationships.

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1. What to do if your employer asks to leave before completing the notice period?

It’s important to communicate openly with your employer. Discuss the reasons for the early exit request and try to find a solution. In some cases, you may be able to negotiate an agreement that benefits both parties. Remember to document any agreements reached in writing.

2. Can you use accumulated leave during the notice period?

This totally depends on company policies. Check your employment contract and consult with HR to understand if using accumulated leave is an option.

3. Is it acceptable to request a shorter notice period?

It’s possible to request a shorter notice period if you have genuine medical or other reasons. However, it is totally dependent on the employer in case of the final outcome.

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