What is Your Greatest Weakness? Tips, Samples

5 minute read
What is your weakness?

Have you ever wondered why interviewers are interested in knowing your strengths and weaknesses? An interview question like What are your weaknesses? can make you nervous not because you have any weaknesses but because you are not aware of how to discuss them. And even if you do manage to talk about your weaknesses, be ready for the next question; what have you done to overcome your weaknesses? Hello job seekers, today, we will provide you with some tips on how to answer, ‘What is your greatest weakness’ in an interview along with some sample answers.

Tips to Answer ‘What is Your Greatest Weakness?’

An interview is not just about discussing your qualities, skills and work experience. It often involves simple yet complicated questions like ‘What is your greatest weakness’, ‘How do you manage pressure at work’, ‘What will you do if you have a difference in opinion with your colleagues or superiors’, etc. To answer these questions, you have to understand your place.

You are in the middle of an interview, so it is expected out of you to act and talk like a professional. Even if you are a fresher, you have to follow the basic etiquette of a job interview. Here are some easy tips to answer ‘What is your greatest weakness?’ in an interview.

  • Choose a genuine weakness like stage fear, impatient with slow progress, detail orientation, perfectionism, etc. Remember, employers appreciate honesty and authenticity.
  • Avoid weaknesses critical for the job. For example, if you’re applying for a project management role, don’t say you struggle with organization.
  • Discuss what you are doing to overcome your weaknesses. This shows that you are proactive and committed to personal growth.
  • If the interviewer asks you how you developed this weakness, then you must explain it in brief and how it affects your work.
  • Do not hold on for long on your weakness. Explain it, discuss what you’re doing to improve, and move on to the positive outcomes of your efforts.

Must Read: How to Answer, ‘What Can You Bring to The Company?

Sample Answers to “What is Your Greatest Weakness?”

Stay honest in an interview as the answers given by you in the interview are judged by highly professional hiring supervisors. So, provide honest answers meanwhile showcasing your tendency and commitment toward personal growth. 

Following are a few sample answers to the question, “What is your weakness?”

  1. Public Speaking

‘I believe public speaking is one of my weaknesses. Earlier in my career, I noticed I would get very nervous when presenting to large groups, which sometimes impacted my performance. To address this, I joined a local Toastmasters club and started volunteering for smaller presentation opportunities at work. Over time, I’ve become more confident and effective in my communication, and I continue to seek out opportunities to improve.

2. Self-criticism

‘My greatest weakness is that I am my biggest critic and frequently feel that I am not giving my best to the allotted task. I often feel that I disappoint the people and the organization I work with. Sometimes I tend to overwork, burn out and deliver more, even though my managers had no issues with my professionalism and performance. I’ve been actively working on myself over the last year, trying to be more fair to myself.’

3. Time Management

‘In the past, I struggled with time management and would occasionally underestimate how long tasks would take, leading to tight deadlines. To improve, I started using a project management tool to better track my time and prioritize tasks. Additionally, I’ve implemented the Pomodoro technique to maintain focus and productivity throughout the day. This has significantly improved my ability to meet deadlines consistently.’

Importance of the Question “What is Your Greatest Weakness?”

Answering the question ‘What is your weakness’ ultimately means you want to disclose your flaws in a job interview in such a way that you crack the code rather than lose momentum. Keep in mind that HR managers are most interested in how you handle difficulties on the job.

Through this question, the interviewer wants to analyze your honesty, self-awareness, and tendency to improve.

To begin, consider the limits that have presented you with difficulties at work. Making a list of your recognized deficiencies is a valuable exercise, and one source of information is prior performance assessments and remarks from supervisors about areas for development.

Like any other personal interview question, this question is a bit difficult to answer, as compared to other questions. Answering this question is not only an impediment to overcome or a trap to avoid. But it’s also an opportunity to demonstrate to the employer that you can learn from constructive criticism, that you’re ready to adapt when faced with adversity, and that you can pick yourself up and dust yourself off in case of downfall. Those qualities are considered assets for the company. 

Must Read: Interview Questions and Answers 

Insights From the Industry Experts

As per the experts and hiring supervisors, an applicant while answering this question must not display any negative side of their professional practice. The interviewee must stay authentic and be concise about what they are saying. 

While you must also keep in mind that this question is quite a tricky one so think before you say anything. Always keep in mind that you must not lie in an interview.

Knowing how to answer about your weaknesses in an interview and securing a job, this blog will help you to express yourself with confidence in an interview. To convey the best version of your personality, you need to be prepared and analyze yourself based on your previous work profile. 

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Q.1. What is the best answer to, ‘What is your greatest weakness?’

Ans: Answer this question by selecting the skill which is not relevant to the post you are applying for. You must answer in a manner by stressing exactly how you are working on your weaknesses as you are self-aware about them to improve yourself at the professional level. Some skills that you can use as weaknesses are impatience, self-criticism, multitasking, and procrastination.

Q.2. What do you consider to be your weakness?

Ans: The best possible answer could be:
-I am detail-oriented
-Would never miss an opportunity
-I could not say no to anyone for work
-Extremely focused

Q.3. How would an interviewer ask about your weaknesses in an interview?

Ans: Following are some examples of how an interviewer could interrogate you regarding your weaknesses:
-Brief me about your blind spots.
-We usually offer training sessions. Would you be interested in refining your skills in any area?
-What are you seeking from this job role?
-How would you handle the work at times of peak pressure? 

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