
Thanksgiving Day: Date, History, Traditions

3 minute read

Thanksgiving Day is one of the most important days in the history of Americans. It is now celebrated on various dates in the US, Saint Lucia, Canada, Liberia, Brazil and the Philippines. It is a National Holiday observed on the fourth Thursday of November. So, this year people will celebrate Thanksgiving on 23 November 2023 with their family and friends. This day has a brief history and it was first observed in 1621. One of the traditional activities on this day is the family dinner and prayers. Read on to learn more about Thanksgiving Day 2023!

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When is Thanksgiving Day 2023?

Source: Ingla-Terra

Every year, Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. In 2023, it is celebrated on 23 November i.e. in the fall season. People used to decorate their houses with flowers and other decorative items on this day and invite family and friends to dinner.

The first Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621 in which the dinner consisted of barley, beans, pumpkin, and other vegetables. But now, it has become a tradition to serve turkey on Thanksgiving. Without turkey, the feast is believed to be incomplete. Before dining, everybody at the dinner table prays to the Lord and thanks him for all the offerings. 

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History of Thanksgiving Day

Source: Getty Images 

As per the history, on 3 October 1863, Abraham Lincoln passed a resolution to celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November. Since then, it has been a National holiday in the US. In Canada, it is celebrated on the second Monday in October.

As per the history, 20 September 1620 was the day when 102 passengers left Plymouth on a ship called Mayflower. They were in search of a new place to freely practice their faith and live their life. 

They reached near the tip of Cape Cod after 66 days of journey near the Hudson River. Then, they cross Massachusetts Bay after one year. The Pilgrims eventually established a village at Plymouth.

The colonists experienced difficulties during the fall as they were unable to get food. 

Then, in 1621 Native Americans helped the colonists and taught them the procedure to grow crops. After the success of the first corn harvest, William Bradford the Governor organized a 3-day feast in which Wampanoag chief Masssoit was also invited along with Native Americans and they all celebrated together thanking God for the offerings. 

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What Tradition is Followed on Thanksgiving Day?

Thanksgiving is widely celebrated by Americans in the United States to acknowledge and thank God for the autumn harvest. Many people follow the same tradition as followed on the first Thanksgiving. 

Some people spend time with their families and friends and travel on this day. Turkey is an important part of Thanksgiving without it the celebration is considered incomplete. 

People organize feasts at their place and invite family and friends for dinner. Tradition food items such as turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie etc. In some families, there is a tradition to break the turkey’s wishbone and make a wish while breaking it. 

Apart from all this Thanksgiving Parade also known as Macy’s Parade is also conducted in the USA

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Why do we celebrate Thanksgiving Day?

We have celebrated this day since 1621 when the Plymouth colonists from England travelled in the Mayflower to America and the Native Americans Wampanoag shared a feast. It was done to acknowledge and thank God for the fall harvest. Since then, this day has been celebrated with friends and family on a feast. 

What is the meaning of Thanksgiving Day?

It is a day that is celebrated by the colonists in New England as well as Canada. Thanksgiving means to thank God for his blessings, safe journey, abundant harvest even in harsh weather conditions, and military victories. 

What is the real reason for Thanksgiving?

The real reason behind celebrating Thanksgiving is to pray to God for everything he has provided for living and celebrate it with friends and family. 

That was all about Thanksgiving Day and its celebration. For more information about such informative articles, check the trending events page of Leverage Edu.

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