
Write a Letter to Your Friend About Heavy Rain: Check Samples 

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Write a Letter to Your Friend About Heavy Rain

School teachers often include the topic ‘Write a letter to your friend about heavy rain’ in the letter-writing section of the English exam. This question allows students to showcase their writing skills.  Let us look at the samples that will help you score good marks in the exam. 

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Sample 1: Write a Letter to Your Friend about Heavy Rain 

Dear Mohit,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am sharing the remarkable experience of the past week here in Thiruvananthapuram. We have been experiencing some heavy rainfall in the last 7 days, which has been both awe-inspiring and challenging at the same time.

The rain started last Monday, and it seemed it just would not stop. The sky was perpetually overcast. The sound of raindrops tapping against the windowpanes became a constant companion. Each morning, we woke up to find the streets flooded and the lush greenery of our surroundings seemed to come alive in the rain.

The intensity of the downpour was unlike anything I had ever seen before. It felt like the heavens had opened up and were showering us with their blessings. However, amidst the beauty of nature, there were also moments of concern. The heavy rains caused flooding in several areas, disrupting normal life for many.

Despite the challenges, there was a sense of resilience among the people here. Communities came together to help those in need. There was a spirit of camaraderie that was truly heartwarming to witness. It reminded me once again of the strength and unity of our town in the face of adversity.
As I write this, the rain has finally started to ease up and the sun is peeking through the clouds. It feels like a welcome change after a week of constant rainfall. I am sure the earth is grateful for the nourishment it has received. I cannot wait to see how it flourishes in the days to come.

I hope this letter gives you a glimpse into the extraordinary week we have had here in Thiruvananthapuram. I look forward to hearing from you soon and catching up on all the news from your end.

Take care and stay safe!
Love and warmth,

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Sample 2: Write a Letter to Your Friend about Heavy Rain 

Write a Letter to Your Friend about Heavy Rain


Q.1. How can you describe heavy rain in other words?

Ans: Heavy rain can be described as bucketing down.

Q.2. What are the idioms for heavy rain?

Ans: Raining Cats and Dogs and Coming down in buckets

Q.3. Words that describe rain?

Ans: Pouring, drizzling, drippy and misty.

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Stay in tune with Leverage Edu to explore diverse letter writing topics for school education.

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