How to Write 16 in Roman Numerals?

3 minute read
16 in Roman Numerals

Writing 16 in Roman numerals is pretty straightforward! Start with 10, which is “X,” and then add 6, written as “VI.” Combine them, and you get XVI. Roman numerals use a system where values are added together when listed in descending order. So here, “X” (10) + “V” (5) + “I” (1) equals 16. It’s a cool way to represent numbers, blending history with math. Try it out with other numbers too!

To learn how to convert Arabic numbers to Roman numbers, we will discuss the correct way of writing 16 in Roman numerals and make your practice along with it. 

How to Write 16 in Roman Numerals?

In Roman numerals, the number 16 is represented by the symbol XVI. Understanding Roman numbers and correctly writing them is essential for students learning. The following table displays 16 as a Roman numeral.

NumberRoman Numeral

How to Convert XVI to Number?

To convert XVI from Roman numerals to a number, first, you need to know the value of the Roman numeral XVI which is 16. The table below will help you to understand the process of converting XVI to numbers.

XVI= 16 
So, if you see XVI in the table, it represents the number 16
11 in Roman Numerals16 in Roman Numerals
12 in Roman Numerals17 in Roman Numerals
13 in Roman Numerals18 in Roman Numerals
14 in Roman Numerals19 in Roman Numerals
15 in Roman Numerals20 in Roman Numerals

Exercises on 16 in Roman Numerals

In this part of the blog, we have some important Mathematics questions on 16 in Roman Numerals for you to practice. Let’s proceed!!

Addition and Subtraction

You have to add or subtract the following numbers and give answers in Roman numerals:

  1. 13 + 3 = ___ 
  2. 70- 10 = ___ 
  3. 16+ 4 = ___ 
  4. 20 – 4 = ___


  1. XVI
  2. LX
  3. XX
  4. XVI

Convert to Roman Numerals

What are the Roman numerals for the following numbers of Arabic numerals:

  1. 11
  2. 55
  3. 16
  4. 86


  1. 11= XI
  2. 55 = LV
  3. 16 = XVI
  4. 86 = LXXXVI

Convert to Numbers

You have to write the corresponding Arabic numerals for the following Roman numbers:

  1. XV
  2. XL
  3. XVI
  4. VI


  1. XV = 15
  2. XL = 40
  3. XVI = 16
  4. VI = 6

Match the Following

Match the following numbers to their Roman numerals:

NumbersRoman Numerals
(i) 10(a) XVI
(ii) 16(b) XLVI
(iii) 60(c ) X
(iv) 46(d) LX


10 → c) X

16 → a) XVI

60 → d) LX

46 → b) XLVI

1 in Roman Numerals10 in Roman Numerals
2 in Roman Numerals30 in Roman Numerals
3 in Roman Numerals40 in Roman Numerals
4 in Roman Numerals50 in Roman Numerals
5 in Roman Numerals60 in Roman Numerals
6 in Roman Numerals70 in Roman Numerals
7 in Roman Numerals80 in Roman Numerals
8 in Roman Numerals90 in Roman Numerals
9 in Roman Numerals100 in Roman Numerals


Q1. How do you say 10 in Roman?

Ans: 10 in Arabic is X in Roman.

Q2. What is XVI in number?

Ans: XVI = 16

Q3. What Roman numeral is XXVI?

Ans: XXVI = 26

Q4. What Roman numeral is LXXXVIII?

Ans: LXXXVIII = 88

Q4. What is 19-3 in Roman numerals?

Ans: 19-3= 16
        16= XVI

Q7. Is 84 an LXXXIV or LXXXVI?

Ans: 84 in Arabic number system is represented as LXXXXIV in Roman numerals.

Q6. Is L 90 in Roman numerals?

Ans: No. L is 50 and 90 is XC.

Q8. How is 45 written in Roman?

Ans: 45 refers to XLV in Roman numerals.

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