Essay on Voting for School Students: Samples in 150, 200, and 250 Words

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Essay on Voting

Essay on Voting: Voting is a powerful tool for any democratic country. The act of voting not only helps the candidate to build a nation by making laws and implementing them, but the active participation of voters in the democratic process also ensures active participation in nation-building.

Similarly theme for the year 2024 National Voters Day is ´Nothing Like Voting, I Vote for Sure’ aims to raise awareness about voting, encouraging eligible candidates to register for the nation, building responsibility, and actively participating in the process of democracy.

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Essay on Voting in 150 Words

Voting plays an important role in a democratic country. For the citizens of a democracy, voting is more than a civic duty; in fact, it is a powerful expression of the thoughts and hopes of the general public. 

Through the right to vote, the voting behaviour of a citizen in a country actively participates in shaping the future and influences the policies that are made or are still to be drafted for the welfare of the people. In a voting method, the citizens of a country elect representatives who align with their values. Altogether, voting gives the right to subjects that empower and encourage a sense of responsibility and help in engagement with the community.

Moreover, it should be understood that the impact of each vote resonates beyond the electronic voting machines or ballot boxes. In reality, voting shapes the course of the nation and ensures a government that recognises the alternate visions and aspirations of the general public.

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Essay on Voting in 200 words

The behaviour of voters plays an important role in running elections and in shaping the country’s democracy. Among the many key determinants of understanding voting behaviour is the voter´s socio-economic background. Every human needs financial assistance to live; therefore, choosing monetary benefits as the priority is not incorrect in any way. To earn, we need employment opportunities, control of inflation, and a boom in economic development. All these three key ingredients make up one of the mindsets of voters towards selecting the type of government they want. The areas experiencing good growth regarding the economy as well as job opportunities may witness the support of the voters for the ruling party in the future, while the areas facing challenges may lean towards failure.

Moreover, caste and community also play an important role in aligning the candidates in the minds of voters. Apart from economic development and casteism, the political agendas and manifestos of political parties also help in shaping the voter’s behaviour. In between all of these, how can we forget the role of the media in building the perception of public opinion?

Voter behaviour in voting is a complex interaction where understanding socio-economic factors, media influence, political ideologies, and leadership qualities not only marks success for the political parties but also for building a strong nation as per voters´ voting desire.

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Essay on Voting in 250 words:

The Indian system of voting follows a parliamentary democracy in which the people elect representatives to a parliament, and they make laws for them. The Indian electoral system in India is designed to ensure the representation and participation of citizens while they choose their representatives. The entire process of voting involves many steps, which begin from the registration of voters to the actual casting of votes.

In the first stage, eligible citizens who are over the age of 18 must register themselves as voters. Then they have to submit their necessary documents, which include proof of identity and address, to the Election Commission of India. Once the candidates are registered with the Election Commission of India, they receive their identification card, also called a voter ID card.

The political parties nominate the candidates, and citizens vote for their favourite candidate. The contender who gets the highest number of votes in the constituency wins and represents the legislative body.

In the whole process of elections in India, the Election Commission makes sure that the voting process is fair and transparent throughout the electoral process. Moreover, it is also made sure that people should be able to use EVM, which is another replacement for traditional paper ballots.

The people of India trust the Constitution as well as the authorities that help them elect their representatives. Furthermore, the Election Commission also runs voter awareness campaigns and proxy voting methods, which contribute to the fairness of elections in India.

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Q.1. What do you mean by voting?

Ans: In simple words, voting means choosing someone in an election. 

Q.2. How do participate in a democracy?

Ans: One can participate in democracy by voting for their favourite candidate.

Q.3. What is a short note on democracy?

Ans: The word democracy comes from the Greek words demos, which means people, and kratos, which means rule. In short, we can say that democracy is the power of selection that always lies in the hands of the people.

Q.4. What is an election?

Ans: Elections are the mechanism by which a registered and valid person of a country can only choose their leader.

Q.5. How do people participate in a democracy?

Ans: People can participate in democracy by voting for their favourite parties. 

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