Corruption in India Speech: Steps to End Corruption

4 minute read
Speech on Corruption in India

The abuse of entrusted power for personal or unconstitutional activities is defined as corruption. Corruption weakens political systems, government functioning, and businesses. When a person in authority, say a government official or minister, is involved in corrupt activities, it breaks the trust and confidence of the public in the authorities. Corruption is prevalent in almost every country, including India, which includes bribes and kickbacks, trade mispricing, criminal and illegal activities, etc. Corruption in all its forms must be ended to make India a corrupt-free nation. Here is a corruption in India speech that covers all its dimensions with steps to eradicate it. 

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Corruption in India Speech for Students

‘Good Morning everyone. Today, I stand before you to discuss one of the most popular topics that we hear or read about almost every day: corruption in India. Corruption is like cancer and only we can cure it. Whatever wrong our predecessors have done, we or the coming generation will have to pay the price.

Corruption in India is not a new phenomenon. Even during the Great Mahabharata era, there were signs of corruption. The only difference is the amount of money involved. When big politicians and bureaucrats become greedy and motivated by materialistic things, we become corrupt. They don’t care about the credible image of the country or their department. All they want is their pockets filled with stacks of money and other resources.

Do you want to know something interesting? Corruption is not caused by personal interest. Factors like excessive regulations, complicated tax and licensing procedures, multiple government departments with opaque bureaucracy and discretionary powers, etc. are also responsible for giving birth to corruption.

Now that we know the causes of corruption, it is time to talk about the steps that can be taken to eliminate corruption in India. The Indian government has passed several acts and laws to stop corruption, such as the Right to Information Act (RTI) of 2005, Anti-Corruption Laws, Right to Public Services Laws, Electoral reforms, etc.

The only problem with these laws and acts is that their implementation is not strict. Corrupt politicians and bureaucrats involved in corrupt practices are aware of the weakness of these laws and that’s the reason they have no fear.

Media can play an important role in curbing corruption. Through in-depth research and analysis, journalists can reveal corruption at various levels of society, including government, corporations, and institutions. Media organizations can provide a platform for whistleblowers to come forward and expose corruption without fear of retaliation.

The government of India plans to make India a great nation under its Vision @2047. To make this vision a reality, corruption must be stopped. It will require a collective and dedicated effort from our government along with the support of the masses to not only eliminate corruption from India but to bring justice to society.

Thank you!’

Quick Read: Speech on Corruption

Quick Read: Media and Corruption Speech

10 Simple Steps to End Corruption

Here are 10 easy steps that can help end corruption.

  1. Strengthening the anti-corruption laws.
  2. Spreading awareness of how harmful corruption is to the country and its people.
  3. Taking the help of the media to investigate and punish culprits.
  4. Installing cameras in workplaces and government offices to discourage people from engaging in corrupt practices.
  5. Introducing e-governance and simplification of procedures and systems.
  6. Implementing policies like zero tolerance for corruption.
  7. Strengthening central and federal agencies like CBI, ED, and Income Tax.
  8. Giving power to honest officials.
  9. Successful implementation of the All India Services (Disciplinary and Appeal) Rules and the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control, and Appeal).
  10. Discontinuation of interviews in the recruitment of Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted) and Group ‘C’ posts in the Government of India.
Source: Raj Shamani


Q.1. What is corruption in India speech?

Ans: ‘Good morning everyone. Today, I stand before you to discuss one of the most popular topics that we hear or read about almost every day: Corruption in India. Corruption is like cancer and only we can cure it. Whatever wrong our predecessors have done, we or the coming generation will have to pay the price.
Corruption in India is not a new phenomenon. Even during the Great Mahabharata era, there were signs of corruption. The only difference is the amount of money involved. When big politicians and bureaucrats become greedy and motivated by materialistic things, we become corrupt. They don’t care about the credible image of the country or their department. All they want is their pockets filled with stacks of money and other resources.

Q.2. Why people are corrupt?

Ans: Corruption takes place when a person in authority thinks of his interests before serving his duty towards his nation. Although it is very sad, it’s true. Some politicians and bureaucrats indulge in corrupt practices like bribery, fraud, theft, abuse of discretion, extortion, blackmail, etc. All these are done either to earn some extra money or for other personal interests.

Q.3. How to end corruption?

Ans: Here are some steps that can be taken to end corruption:
-Strengthening the anti-corruption laws.
-Spreading awareness of how harmful corruption is to the country and its people.
-Taking the help of the media to investigate and punish culprits.
-Installing cameras in workplaces and government offices to discourage people from engaging in corrupt practices.
-Introducing eGovernance and simplification of procedures and systems.
-Implementing policies like zero tolerance for corruption.
-Strengthening central/ federal agencies like the CBI, ED, and Income Tax.

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