20 Fun Facts About Kangaroo

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Interesting Facts About Kangaroo

If you have been to Australia but you didn’t see a kangaroo or pay a visit to Bondi Beach, your trip is probably incomplete. This animal is not only cute but also iconic for numerous reasons. For starters, kangaroos are featured on the Australian coat of arms as a symbol of progress and success. Did you know that the word kangaroo comes from the word “gangurru” which is actually the name given by the Guuga Yimithirr people of Queensland? Here are some more interesting fun facts about kangaroo you need to know!

Interesting Facts About Kangaroo

1. Kangaroos are the largest marsupials on Earth

2. Red kangaroos are considered the largest species of kangaroo. 

3. They use their tails to balance while jumping. 

4. Kangaroos live in small groups called herds or troops which consist of 50 or more animals. 

5. Baby kangaroos are called joeys. 

6. Baby kangaroos are about the size of a grape at birth. 

7. Joeys get mature enough to leave their mother’s pouch at 10 months. 

8. Female kangaroos have a pouch located on their belly which is made by a fold in the skin. 

9. When scared or threatened, kangaroos pound their ground with their feet to give a warning to the opponent. 

10. Wild dogs, heat, and drought are the biggest threats to kangaroos.

11. Kangaroos are unable to hop or walk backwards due to their long tail and large feet. 

12. Female kangaroos can discontinue the development of babies and resume when the conditions are right. 

13. Their common ways of communication include nose touching, stomping their hind legs, growling, and clucking sounds. 

14. When suspected of danger, joeys tend to dive headfirst into their mother’s pouch. 

15. A red kangaroo can hop at 35 miles per hour and leap about six feet off the ground. 

16. The pregnancy of female kangaroos can last about five weeks. 

17. Red foxes, dogs, and feral cats are the most common predators of kangaroos. 

18. Kangaroos are surprisingly good swimmers. 

19. Kangaroos are herbivores. Their diet includes shrubs, moss, and fungi. 

20. Their digestion process is similar to other ruminant animals meaning that they chew their food as cud before digesting it. 

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What are 5 interesting facts about kangaroo?

5 interesting facts about kangaroos include that they are herbivores, they are good swimmers, they cannot hop backwards, they are about the size of a grape at birth, and lastly, they are the largest marsupials on Earth. 

What is unusual about a kangaroo?

One unusual fact about kangaroos is that they have small front legs, large feet, and powerful hind legs. This helps them travel more than 56km/h. 

What are the unique features of a kangaroo?

All kangaroos have short hair, extremely powerful hind legs, big feet, and a long tail, which helps them to balance. They are also known for their excellent hearing.

Hope you had fun reading these interesting fun facts about kangaroo. If you like reading about facts, you can visit our interesting facts page to read more such blogs.

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