12 Interesting Facts About Insects For Kids

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facts about insects

Yikes! Who would want to know facts about insects? Well! Don’t you want to know anything about beautiful ladybugs or hornets or what makes them so unique and amazing? This article is for the curious people out there. If you are someone who wishes to know interesting facts about insects, then scroll up. 

Facts About Insects

Come on people with your coffee or tea to read some of the amazing facts about insects. 

  1. The red insects with black circles on their back are ladybugs. These tiny appetites are big munchers. They devour over 5,000 insects in their lifetime!
  1. Fruit Flies can easily go by the name ‘space travelers.’ You might ask why. It is because they are the first living things in space!
  1. Dragonflies are ancient flyers. They’ve buzzed around for 300 million years!
  1. Do you know that bees beat their wings 190 times a second? Small super-fast blazing wings masters, right?  
  1. The Stag Beetle is the UK’s biggest bug. The fact about this insect is that this competition is not for heavyweight but for quantity. 
  1. Are you ready to get a Caterpillar surprise? These creatures have twelve eyes! Kind of more eyes than you might think!
  1. A Dung Beetle can drag 1,141 times its own weight. This is why we would love to call this insect super strength champion. 
Dung Beetle | Source- Shamwari Game Reserve
  1. This fact about insects might be something you would love to know. The weight of a butterfly is as light as a Feather. 
  1. Would you believe us if we told you that a set of beetles cleaned up the mess? We are talking about the Australian Dung Beetle who solved the dung problem when cattle droppings ruined the lands.  
  1. We can call this fact ‘Tipsy Wasps.’ When these insects feed on fermenting juice then they can overindulge and pass out!
  1. The queen of some specific termite species are egg-laying machine. These queens are capable of delivering a whopping 40,000 eggs a day. 
  1.  Honeybees make ten million trips for just one pound of honey. Now we can agree that it is very hardworking of them of them. 


How long do insects live?

Insect lifespans vary wildly. Some mayflies live just a day, while termite queens can rule for decades!

Do all insects have six legs?

Insects are tripartite: head, thorax, and abdomen. They also stand out for having six legs, unlike their eight-legged spider cousins.

Do insects sleep or not?

Yes! Insects sleep. They also have a central nervous system which is why like every other animal they also like to sleep.

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Hope you had fun reading these amazing and interesting facts about insects. If you want to read more interesting facts, then I would recommend reading this interesting blog 20 Amazing Facts About Life You Did Not Know!

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