12 Interesting Facts About Indonesia

3 minute read
Facts about Indonesia

Does it ever happen to you that you wish to get outside of your nation and some countries stay in your mind rent-free? Indonesia is one of those nations that make it to your mind with its beauty and elegance. Well! There is more to the country than just this. This article will cover 12 interesting facts about Indonesia that will make you fall in love even more.  

Facts About Indonesia

Here are the top 12 facts about Indonesia, you should know about. 

  1. Indonesia is home to Rafflesia Arnoldii, the world’s largest flower. This parasitic flower can weigh up to 8kg and has a foul odor.
  1. This country is home to an archipelago of over 17,000 islands. You won’t believe the fact that people only reside in one-third of it. There is no name given to many of these islands.
  1. This fact about Indonesia will make animal lovers book their flight tickets right away. Indonesia shelters rare and endangered animals, including the Sumatran tiger, rhinoceros, Komodo dragon, orangutan, anoa (smallest buffalo), peafowl, sea turtles, and tarsier. 
  1. Indonesia’s rainforests are incredibly biodiverse, containing 10% of the world’s plant species, 12% of mammal species, and 17% of bird species, despite making up only 1% of the Earth’s landmass.
  1. It has the world’s largest young population, with 165 million people under 30 compared to only 8% over 60.
  1. It has over 700 languages and dialects, with Bahasa Indonesia being the official language.
  1. Indonesia is located on the Pacific Ring of Fire, making it prone to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The country has around 130 active volcanoes and experiences frequent small earthquakes.
The Pacific ‘Ring of Fire Source’ | France 24
  1. Puncak Jaya, located in Papua province, is the tallest mountain peak on an island, reaching 4,884 meters above sea level. It’s also the place in Indonesia with snow.
  1. Lake Toba, a massive volcanic lake in Sumatra, is the world’s largest natural volcanic lake. It’s 500 meters deep, 100 kilometers long, and 30 kilometers wide. The lake is the site of a supervolcanic eruption 70,000 years ago. Or at least this is what people talk about.
  1. Indonesia has the world’s second-longest coastline at 54,716 kilometers, due to its many islands.
  1. Pulau Samosir, an island in the middle of Lake Toba, was once inhabited by the Batak people, who practiced headhunting. Today, the Batak people are friendly and welcoming, and visitors can learn about their history.
  1. Indonesia’s flag is nearly identical to Monaco’s flag. Both use red and white horizontal stripes. Although, the shades of red are slightly different.

These are the 12 facts about Indonesia that you should know about. Let’s move to an overview of the country now.

More About Indonesia

We have already mentioned that the center of the Pacific Ring of Fire is Indonesia. 

LocationOff the coast of mainland Southeast Asia in the Indian and Pacific oceans
Rank (Population)Most populous in Southeast Asia, 4th most populous in the world
GeographyArchipelago across the Equator, spanning 1/8th of Earth’s circumference
Main IslandsGreater Sunda Islands (Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi)
Other IslandsLesser Sunda Islands (Nusa Tenggara, Bali, Timor chain), Moluccas, western New Guinea (Papua)
CapitalJakarta (near the northwestern coast of Java)


What is Indonesia famous for?

This country is famous for all the tourist attractions represented in the firm. From beaches to temples, it has everything worth the view.

Why is Indonesia unique?

Indonesia is a stunning archipelago nation with mind-blowing diversity in landscapes, cultures, and wildlife.

What is the old name for Indonesia?

The old name for Indonesia was the Dutch East Indies.

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