31 Byte-Sized Facts About Computer

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Interesting Facts About Computer

The world of computers as well as the internet has come a long way. From the first word spoken on the internet “lo,” which was a failed attempt to say “login” before the system crashed to the boom in artificial intelligence. What an inspiration the father of computers must be for the universe of computers to expand to such an extent! Read on to learn more about such interesting facts about computer. 

Amazing Fun Facts About Computer

Additionally, here are some facts about Computers that you must have not heard of:

  1. The first real computer bug was a actually dead moth found in the Harvard Mark II computer in the year 1947.
  1. Ada Lovelace is recognised as the first computer programmer! 
  1. The first computer mouse was made of wood and invented by Doug Engelbart in 1964.
  1. ENIAC, the first electronic computer weighed 24494kgs and also took up the space of a room the size of a basketball court! 
  1. Interestingly, Email existed before the World Wide Web. The email came about in 1971 and WWW in 1989! 
  1. The QWERTY keyboard that you use now was designed to slow down typing to prevent jamming on mechanical typewriters.
  1. IBM’s team, the Dirty Dozen was the engineering team that developed the first IBM computer! 
  1. The Z1 was invented by Konrad Zuse in the year 1936 and was the first freely programmable computer.
  1. Interestingly, HP, Apple, and Microsoft all started in garages. 
  1. The original Xbox had sound snippets from actual Apollo missions! 
  1. In the early years, the internet had 50 crore users in just four years.
  1. Google uses an estimated 1500 crore kWh (kilowatt hour) of electricity a year.
  1. Only 8% of the world’s currency exists as physical money, the rest is digital.
  1. Hackers create about 6,000 new viruses each month.
  1. John Lasseter the ex-CEO of Pixar, was fired from Disney for promoting computer animation.
  1. Surprisingly, Amazon now sells more electronic books than printed ones!
  1. The average computer user blinks only 7 times per minute as compared to the normal rate of 20 times.
  1. Gaming computers can heat a room as efficiently as a space heater! 
  1. MyDoom is the most expensive computer virus in history, causing an estimated ₹31,74,16,85,00,000 in damage.
  1. Cambridge University used the first webcam to monitor a coffee pot. Some say that webcams were invented by computer scientists who were too lazy to check their coffee pot! 
  1. Windows was initially named Interface Manager.
  1. The very first website was created by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN in the year 1990! 
  1. Moreover, the first transistor computer was used by the U.S. Air Force and built by Bell Labs.
  1. Bill Gates’ house was designed using a Macintosh computer! 
  1. A computer with the power of the human brain would perform 38 thousand trillion operations per second and hold more than 3580 terabytes of memory!
  1. Alan Turing who is the father of computer science, committed suicide after being persecuted for his homosexuality.
  1. The Dvorak keyboard layout is considered more efficient than the QWERTY keyword! 
  1. Additionally, 9 out of 10 supercomputers run on Linux systems.
  1. Intel introduced the world’s first microprocessor in 1971. Originally designed for calculators, the 4004 chip operated at a speed of 740 kilohertz and could execute up to 60,000 computations per second! 
  1. The word “TYPEWRITER” is the longest word that can be typed using only the top row of the QWERTY keyboard! 

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What is an interesting fact about the first computer?

The first electronic computer, ENIAC, was a behemoth that weighed over 24494kgs and also took up the space of a room the size of a basketball court. However, it was slower than a modern-day calculator.

What is special about a computer?

A computer is special because it can process information incredibly fast and accurately. Moreover, it also does tasks that are too tedious or complicated for us humans. 

Who is the father of computers?

The Father of Computers is Charles Babbage. 

Hope you had fun reading these interesting facts about Computer. If you like reading about facts, you can visit our interesting facts page to read more such blogs.

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