20 Interesting Facts About Coding for Kids

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Interesting Facts About Coding

Whether you enjoy driving your favourite car or playing games on the computer, you need to know that code is the language that enables it. Over the years, our lives have become more dependent on coding with many schools teaching its fundamentals in kindergarten. Concepts like coding and programming are no longer associated with nerds only. Instead, they have become the new definition of cool. Did you know that up until 2005, NASA was still using a computer language from 1973 specifically engineered to suit its requirements? Read this blog to discover more such interesting facts about coding. 

Cool Facts About Coding

1. Coding has about 700 different coding computer languages.

2. Some programming languages like Java and Python are more common whereas Rust and Kotlin are required in rare specific situations. 

3. Ada Lovelace is known as the first computer programmer for her incredible work on Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine. 

4. The term “bug” in programming originated in 1947 when a moth caused an unexpected computer malfunction. 

5. Learning how to code can bless you with definite cognitive benefits, like creative problem-solving, developing teamwork skills, and improving your critical thinking

6. Researchers believe that in future, coding will become as important as reading

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7. The concept of a computer virus was published in the essay “Theory of self-reproducing automata” by John von Neumann in 1949. 

8. Spacewar is the first computer game which was developed in 1962 at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

9. FORTRAN was the first programming language which was developed by a team led by Mr. John Backus, an American computer scientist

10. Whitespace is a programming language that only uses line breaks, spaces, and tabs, challenging the traditional ways of coding. 

11. The C programming language was created to implement the Unix OS. 

12. Python, a programming language, is named after the British comedy ground Monty Python. 

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13. Rubber Duck Debugging refers to a practice where the programmer explains their code to any inanimate object to find the solution. 

14. The QR code was developed by Denso Wave in 1994. Its unique design of black squares on a white background enhances readability. 

15. The experimental creeper program is believed to be the first computer virus developed by Bob Thomas. 

16. Kautilya Katariya, a young schoolboy hailing from India, is the world’s youngest computer programmer. 

17. Python is considered a beginner-friendly coding language due to its easy language. 

18. Go is an open-source programming language designed at Google in 2007. 

19. VBA, Delphi, and Perl are some of the most disliked coding languages around the world.

20. Exposing kids to computer programming can lead them to choose high-paying careers in future.  

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What makes coding so interesting?

A few things that make coding so interesting are that you don’t have to solve the same problems again and again. Instead, you will encounter different challenges and get the opportunity to come up with new creative solutions.

What is a fun fact about C programming?

One fun fact about C programming is that it was first developed for the Unix operating system. 

What type of coding is the most fun?

C programming, Python, and D are considered fun programming languages. 

Hope you had fun reading these interesting facts about coding. If you like reading about facts, you can visit our interesting facts page to read more such blogs.

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