Top 25 Interesting Facts About Bhutan You Will Love Reading

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Fun Facts About Bhutan

Up until a few years back, Bhutan has been away from all the hype and tourists. It has preserved its core Buddhist values for years and even now it is known for its monasteries. Thkis country still believes in the existence of Yeti, the forest monster. It clearly shows that it is way behind science and technology, but very close to nature and god. This article will cover some amazing facts about Bhutan that you will love to read. 

Facts About Bhutan

Here are the top 2 facts about Bhutan that you should know before visiting this beautiful landlocked country.

  1. Bhutan is located in the south-central Asia. the fact about Bhutan is that it is a landlocked country.
  2. Until the mid-20th century, Bhutan was a remote kingdom. It was in the 1970s that people got to know about the existence of Bhutan as a country. 
  3. Transportation has improved drastically in Bhutan in recent decades. A possible reason could be tourism. 
  4. Bhutan transitioned from an absolute monarchy to a multiparty democracy. Since 2006, Bhutan has had a king named Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck. 
His Majesty The Druk Gyalpo Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck | Source- Tatler


  1. King Jigme Dorji Wangchuk played a key role in Bhutan’s political reforms.
  1. Bhutan uses Gross National Happiness (GNH) instead of GDP to measure development. It is basically an index to measure the collective happiness and well-being of a population.
  1. GNH is based on sustainable development, cultural preservation, good governance, and a healthy environment.
  1. Bhutan was one of the first countries to ban plastic bags. They respect nature and work toward sustainable development of the world. 

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  1. Paro Airport is considered one of the most dangerous airports in the world to land at. Despite lacking fancy navigation, it relies on a single VOR due to its challenging mountainous terrain and high elevation, demanding precise flying.
  1. Smoking in public places is prohibited in Bhutan. In 2010, it became one of the key states in the world with a ban on tobacco selling and public smoking. 
  1. Bhutan has a high fee for international visitors to promote sustainable tourism. Bhutan reopened its borders in September 2022 with a hefty $200 daily sustainability fee but later reduced it to attract tourists and encourage longer stays.
  1. Climbing mountains above 6,000 meters is forbidden in Bhutan due to religious beliefs. However, this rule is majorly applied to tourists.
  1. The takin is the national animal of Bhutan, with a unique myth surrounding its creation. It looks like a mixture of a sheep and a cow. 
Takin Animal | Source- Bhutan Tours
  1. Can you believe the fact about Bhutan that Archery is the national sport of Bhutan? In 1971, it was declared a national sport, the same year Bhutan joined hands with the US. 
  1. The traditional dress of Butan is Gho for men and Kira for women. Moreover, it is mandatory in certain situations or places for them to wear this dress. 
  1. Phalluses are a common symbol of good luck and fertility in Bhutan. It might look offensive to some people but graffiti of phalluses could be seen outside houses in Bhutan. 
  1. The Chimi Lhakhang temple is famous for its phallus decorations and fertility blessings.
Chimi Lhakhang in Punakha | Source- Tour Bhutan
  1. Bhutan became less isolated in the second half of the 20th century. It transitioned from an absolute monarchy to a parliamentary democracy in 2008.
  1. Media was only allowed in Bhutan in 1974. Bhutan’s focus on cultural preservation and controlled tourism suggests media wasn’t fully open. 
  1. Televisions arrived in Bhutan as late as 1990. Again it is because of the fact that it was not open to people for a very long time. 
  1. Bhutanese people are known for driving slowly and cautiously.
  1. The roads are so much safe that the herds of animals roam freely on roads in Bhutan. It also means that it is absolutely safe for people as well. 
  1. People greet each other even while stopping on the road in Bhutan.

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  1. Bhutan has no traffic lights. The government of Bhutan would love to keep it that way only for a very long time as it preserves its culture and traditions. 
  1. Bhutan is the only carbon-negative country in the world. With this, we will wrap the facts about Bhutan. 

More About Bhutan

Here is something more about Bhutah that you should know if you are ever planning to visit this place. 

LocationSouth-central Asia, eastern Himalayas
Historical IsolationRemote kingdom until the second half of the 20th century
Transportation ImprovementsReduced travel time from the Indian border to Thimphu
Governmental ChangesShift from absolute monarchy to multiparty democracy
Monarchy ReformsKing Jigme Dorji Wangchuk (reigned 1952-1972)
Democracy Established2008
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