20 Interesting Facts About Air for Kids

3 minute read
Interesting Facts About Air

Air is an essential element of our survival on Earth. Despite its utmost importance, we often tend to ignore it for other things. From sustaining life through oxygen influencing rain patterns and generating power, we need air for a plethora of reasons. Over the years, human activities have caused a degradation in our planet Earth’s air quality. This results in nine out of ten people inhaling polluted air. Here are some other interesting facts about air you need to know!

Amazing Fun Facts About Air

1. Air is an odourless and colourless invisible mixture of gases. 

2. The air in Earth’s atmosphere is made up of 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen.

3. Apart from gases, air also contains dust and pollen along with wind. 

4. Scientists estimate that half of Earth’s oxygen production comes from the oceans.

5. Air pollution is one of the largest environmental threats to humans. 

6. Standard Dry Air is used to refer to the composition of gases that make up air at sea level. 

7. Standard Dry Air does not include water vapour. 

8. Water vapour present in the air around us is sometimes visible as clouds. 

9. Volcanic eruptions also eject numerous gases such as carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide including water vapor. 

10. The air gets thinner as you go at an elevation because of fewer air molecules. 

11. Ozone refers to a unique air molecule which is found in the stratosphere layer of the Earth’s atmosphere.

12. Pneumatics refers to a branch of engineering which deals with using gas or pressurised air.

13. Scuba divers use compressed air to breathe underwater.

14. Bacteria present at the bottom of the ocean do not need air or sunlight to survive. 

15. Humans and animals release carbon dioxide, an odourless gas while exhaling. 

16. Plants use carbon dioxide, along with sunlight, to make food and oxygen.

17. Humidity refers to the amount of water the air can hold before it rains. 

18. The Air Quality Index or AQI helps to measure air pollution. The lower the AQI, the cleaner the air will be. 

19. Under normal conditions, one litre of air weighs about 1.29 grams. 

20. Hot air is lighter than cold air. 

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What are air facts for kids?

Some air facts for students are that air is odourless, colourless, and made up of gases and dust, and lastly, hot air is lighter than cold air. 

What is air made of?

Air is made up of multiple gases, like nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. Moreover, it also contains other pollutants such as dust and pollen.

What are the 5 importance of air?

5 main points about the importance of air are that it is important for transportation, power generation, monsoon, temperature regulation, pollination, and lastly, drying.

Hope you had fun reading these interesting facts about air. If you like reading about facts, you can visit our interesting facts page to read more such blogs.

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