Who Was The First Woman IPS Officer?

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who was the the first woman ips officer

When we talk about breaking barriers and shattering stereotypes, the first woman IPS officer Kiran Bedi comes to mind. Her journey is one of courage, determination and resilience as she carved her path in a male-dominated field. Yes, you read that right, the first woman IPS officer in India was Kiran Bedi. She cleared one of the toughest examinations, UPSC in 1972 and joined the League of Officers in a very unconventional move to become an IPS.

Kiran Bedi And Her Contribution 

The title of the first woman IPS officer in India belongs to Kiran Bedi, who made history when she joined the Indian Police Service in 1972.  

  • Kiran Bedi began her career as an Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) in Chanakyapuri, Delhi. 
  • In her career of 35 years, she held different positions from being a Deputy Commissioner to Director-General of the Bureau of Police Research and Development. 
  • She gained a reputation for her fearless approach to law enforcement, dedication to social causes and innovative methods of community policing.

Also Read – Top Women IPS Officers, Medals, Awards and Salary

Initiatives and Reforms

Kiran Bedi is known for pioneering prison reform efforts and women’s empowerment. During her tenure as the Inspector General of Prisons in New Delhi, Bedi introduced several innovative programs to rehabilitate inmates and improve prison conditions. 

  • She also founded the NGO ‘Navjyoti India Foundation’ to support underprivileged and marginalized communities.
  • Bedi’s tough stance on corruption and commitment to upholding the law earned her the nickname “Crane Bedi,” as she was known for towing illegally parked vehicles.
  • In 2003, Kiran Bedi became the first woman to be appointed as the United Nations Police and Policy Advisor.
Credits -NDTV

Throughout her career, Kiran Bedi has received numerous awards and accolades for her outstanding contributions to law enforcement and social reform. She was awarded the Ramon Magsaysay Award in 1979. Bedi was also honoured with the United Nations Medal for outstanding service in 2004.  Other awards include Pride of India, IIT Delhi Alumni Award, L’oreal Paris Femina Women Award Lion of the Year, etc. She was also welcomed by the BJP in January 2015. 

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This is all about the first woman IPS officer in India. For more content related to the different states of India, visit our articles like this, you can get Study notes on the Modern History of India here. Also, you can visit our general knowledge page on Indian History!

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