What is the Full Form of Google?

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Google Full Form

The full form of Google is the ‘Global Organisation of Oriented Group Language of Earth.’ Larry Page and Sergey Brin, students of Stanford University founded it in the year 1998. However, there is a lot of confusion if it is an acronym or not. Initially, it began with a wordplay of ‘Googol’ which means ‘ very large number that is expressed in numerals as 1 followed by one hundred 0’s’ as per Merriam Webster. The founders chose the name to point out the vast amount of information that will be available in this search engine.

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Google Milestones

We all have witnessed the benefits of Google in many different ways. Some of the milestones of Google are as follows. 

1996Founded by Larry Page & Sergey Brin (Stanford PhD students)
1997Domain google.com registered
1998Google Corporation established
2000Google Adwords/Adsense launched (pay-per-click advertising)
2001PageRank patented
2001Larry Page steps down as CEO, Eric Schmidt takes over
2004Gmail launched (free web-based email service)
2005Google Earth & Maps introduced
2006Google Video search launched
2007Android introduced (open platform for mobile devices)
2008Google Chrome browser launched

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Other Proposed Full Form of Google

The following are the rest of the full forms of Google as per people. 

  • Global Organization of Oriented Group Language of Earth
  • Googolplex Organization of Great Links Everywhere
  • Giant Omniscient Organized Googleplex of Earth

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What is the full form of YouTube?

There is no such full form of YouTube, it just means your television.

What is the full form of TV?

The full form of TV is television. Television is commonly referred to as a TV because the former is too big to pronounce.

What is the full form of hello?

Hello is a greeting that you do when you meet someone, it is not an acronym for any longer word.

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These are all the full forms of Google. If you want to read and know about more full forms like this then you can visit our full form list page. You can get a consolidated list of 300+ full forms here! Enjoy reading!

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