
Scaling the Culture v.1

1 minute read

In the first calendar year at Leverage Edu, us hitting the cumulative 1 Cr revenue mark coincided with my birthday – and a party followed. All our friends attended. Remember this corner conversation that night with one of our early angel investors who attended. He said, “this is all great, but as the company goes beyond 10 people now, how will you even attempt to take this culture forward?….”. I answered of course. But I definitely was a less evolved founder in 2017.

I have a much clearer answer to it now. Two point something years later. In the middle of a crisis.

It’s all very simple, actually. All leaders got to do, is keep it : ‘simple’. And ‘focused’.

Bold intrinsic mission, that can be rubbed off in every communication (townhalls to Whatsapps). Visible in the decisions you take, the people you hire, the people you promote or fire, the investments you make, the advertising you do, the trade offs you make to help the customer win at all odds, the features you build, the partners/vendors you choose, the policies you make – & the examples you set in everyday workday. Everything is a statement.

And that said, I am sure I will have a different, and probably a more evolved answer to this, two point something years from now again 🙂

You can also interact with the author on this across his social media handles here:

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