France, a beautiful hexagonal-shaped country in the continent of Europe is famous for the beautiful Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, fashion, fine wines, cheese, street life, festivities, Disneyland, and of course the beautiful language, French! In India, students get the chance to learn how to speak and write French in their school. If you wish to study in France or travel to the country, this blog is just for you. Here, we will be telling you the top 60 common words in French with examples.

Must Read: Au Revoir and Beyond: 10 Ways to Say Goodbye in French!
- Eau (water)
Example: Je veux boire de l’eau. (I want to drink water.) - Café (coffee)
Example: Faire du café. (Make some coffee.) - Thé (tea)
Example: J’aime le sucre dans mon thé. (I like sugar in my tea.) - Bière (beer)
Example: J’aime boire une canette ou une bouteille de bière quand je regarde les sports à la télévision. (I enjoy a can or bottle of beer when watching sports on television.) - Glaçon (ice)
Example: Les glaçons fondent. (The ice cubes are melting.) - Mère (mother)
Example: Les enfants embrassent leur mère. (The children are kissing their mother.) - Père (father)
Example: Qui est le père de Natasha? (Who is Natasha’s father?) - Mari (husband)
Example: Le mari porte un panier de serviettes pliées. (The husband is carrying the basket of folded towels.) - Épouse (wife)
Example: L’épouse serre son mari dans ses bras. (The wife is hugging the husband.) - Fils (son)
Example: Mon fils étudie. (My son is studying.)
Voila! We are finished with the first 10 common words in French. Want to learn more common words in French? Then keep on reading till the end.

- Fille (daughter)
Example: C’est ma fille. (This is my daughter.) - Poisson (fish)
Example: Les Japonais mangent beaucoup de poissons. (Japanese people eat a lot of fish.) - Boeuf (beef)
Example: Je ne mange pas de boeuf. (I don’t eat beef.) - Porc (pork)
Example: Je ne mange pas de porc. (I don’t eat pork.) - Poulet (chicken)
Example: Je ne mange pas de poulet. (I don’t eat chicken.) - Cuisine (kitchen)
Example: Je suis dans la cuisine. (I am in the kitchen.) - Salle de ain (bathroom)
Example: Je suis dans la salle de bain. (I am in the bathroom.) - Ordinateur (computer)
Example: La femme utilise un ordinateur. (The woman is using a computer.) - Lit (bed)
Example: Le lit est moelleux. (The bed is soft.) - Canapé (sofa)
Example: Le canapé est immense. (The sofa is huge.)
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Hey! We are done with 20 common words in French. Woohoo!!

- Infirmière (nurse)
Example: La femme est infirmière. (The woman is a nurse.) - Hôtel (hotel)
Example: Je reste dans un hôtel. (I stay in a hotel.) - Femme (woman)
Example: C’est une jolie femme. (This is a pretty woman.) - Homme (man)
Example: C’est un bel homme. (This is a handsome man.) - Petite amie (girlfriend)
Example: Voici ma petite amie Sara. (This is my girlfriend Sara.) - Petit ami (boyfriend)
Example: Voici mon petit ami Samuel. (This is my boyfriend Samuel.) - Enfant (child)
Example: Mon enfant joue dans le jardin. (My child is playing in the garden.) - Docteur (doctor)
Example: Je dois rendre visite au médecin dimanche. (I have to visit the doctor on Sunday.) - Professeur (professor)
Example: C’est mon professeur. (He is my professor.) - Aujourd’hui (today)
Example: Aujourd’hui c’est samedi. (Today is Saturday.)
30 common words in French done. 30 more to go. You can do it!!

- Demain (tomorrow)
Example: Demain c’est dimanche. (Tomorrow is Sunday.) - Hier (yesterday)
Example: Hier c’était mon anniversaire. (Yesterday it was my birthday.) - Tête (head)
Example: Je me suis blessé à la tête en jouant. (I injured my head while playing.) - Pluie (rain)
Example: Il pleut dehors. (It’s raining outside.) - Neige (snow)
Example: J’aime la neige. (I love snowfall.) - Nuage (Cloud)
Example: Il n’y a pas de nuages dans le ciel. (There are no clouds in the sky.) - Chaussure (shoe)
Example: Je veux de nouvelles chaussures. (I want new shoes.) - Chemise (shirt)
Example: Cette chemise est jolie. (This shirt is pretty.) - Chaussette (sock)
Example: Où sont mes chaussettes? (Where are my socks?) - Pantalon (pants)
Example: Voici votre pantalon. (Here are your pants.)
Do Read: Learn 50 Most Common Words in Spanish
Only 20 more common words in French to go!!
Also Read: Top Scholarships in France
- Ami (friend)
Example: Elle est ma meilleure amie. (She is my best friend.) - Adulte (adult)
Example: Comportez-vous comme un adulte. (Behave like an adult.) - Fille (girl)
Example: Cette fille est ma soeur. (That girl is my sister.) - Garçon (boy)
Example: Ce garçon est mon frère. (That boy is my brother.) - Télévision (TV)
Example: Je regarde la télévision. (I am watching TV.) - Semaine (week)
Example: Il y a sept jours dans une semaine. (There are seven days in a week.) - Année (year)
Example: J’irai en Inde l’année prochaine. (I will go to India next year.) - Seconde (second)
Example: Il reste trente secondes sur le chronomètre. (There are thirty seconds left on the stopwatch.) - Heure (hour)
Example: Je dors 8 heures par jour. (I sleep for 8 hours every day.) - Minute (minute)
Example: Il y a soixante secondes dans une minute. (There are sixty seconds in a minute.) - Bonjour (Hello/Good Morning) Example: Bonjour! Comment allez-vous? (Hello! How are you doing?)
- S’il vous plaît (Please) Example: Viens ici s’il-te-plaît. (Please come here.)
- Avoir (To Have) Example: Il faut y taller. (You have to go there.)
- Aller (To Go) Example: Elle doit partir. (She has to go.)
- Grossir (To Gain Weight) Example: Il doit prendre du poids. (He has to gain weight.)
- Vendre (To Sell) Example: Elle a dû vendre 10 pommes (She had to sell 10 apples.)
- Perdre (To Lose) Example: Elle a perdu son sac à main (She lost her purse.)
- La Fille (Daughter) Example: C’est sa fille. (She is his daughter.)
- Le Dentiste (Dentist) Example: C’est un excellent dentist. (He is a great dentist.)
- Le medecin (Doctor) Example: C’est un médecin réputé (He is a well-reputed doctor.)
And it’s done! We have completed 60 common words in French. Pat yourself on the back!
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Mentioned below are some of the most French words which are used quite often.
– ‘Oui’ – Yes
– ‘ S’il Vous Plait’ – Please
– ‘Au revoir’ – Good bye
– ‘Merci’ – Thank you
– ‘Bonjour’ – Hello
Following are some of the ways through which you can practice French words.
– Talk to yourself in French
– Don’t just focus on studying French but also ensure that you practice French diligently.
– Allow yourself to make mistakes.
– Practise the language out loud.
The most common way to greet in French is by saying “Bonsoir” and “Bonjour”. The former can only be used in the evening while the latter can be used throughout the day.
So that was our list of the top 60 common words in French. Wanna know about more common words in different languages? So stay tuned with Leverage Edu, and we will be coming up next with more lists of common words in different languages with examples.