
TOEFL Daily Speaking Topic: Do you prefer calling someone directly or just texting?

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TOEFL Daily Speaking Topic: Do you prefer calling someone directly or just texting?

Brainstorming Ideas

Refer to the following brainstorming ideas to get a solid understanding of the answer.

Reasons for choosing texting over calling:

  • Offers a level of convenience.
  • Quick and efficient way to communicate without interrupting recipient’s day.
  • Provides a written record of conversations.
  • Allows multitasking.
  • Is less intrusive than a phone call.

Q. Do you prefer calling someone directly or just texting? Why?

Ans. In today’s time, I prefer texting over calling people. Texting offers a level of convenience that calling can not match. It allows me to quickly and efficiently communicate with the recipient without interrupting their day. Texting also provides a written record of conversations, which can be very helpful for reference later. It is beneficial when discussing complex topics or specific details like addresses or appointment times.

Moreover, texting allows multitasking. I can send a text and continue my work without pausing for a phone call. Lastly, texting is less intrusive than a phone call. It allows the recipients to respond according to their convenience, reducing the pressure to respond immediately. Therefore, for these reasons, I find texting to be a more suitable method of communication in most situations. 

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