
Don’t Want to Be a Siesta Slacker? Then Here’s the Only Packing List for Spain You Need!

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The Only Packing List for Spain You Need

Hola amigos! Are you curious about what goes into your packing list for Spain after receiving that offer letter from your dream university? Well, congratulations on this amazing feat! Studying in Spain, even if it’s for a semester or two, comes with many exciting adventures as the locals are very welcoming to international learners. So depending on the duration of your study abroad and lifestyle, we have curated this travel checklist to Spain for your benefit. Read this blog further to know more!


Packing List for Spain: Essentials Checklist

Since your packing list for Spain will vary with your study abroad duration, it’s essential to start packing at least two weeks before you leave for the country. It will give you ample time to round up the following essentials you will need during your stay there:

Essential Documents

Here’s a list of essential documents you will need to enter Espana:

  • Valid Passport
  • Student visa
  • Academic transcripts
  • Plane tickets
  • Drivers license
  • Student ID
  • Travel Insurance
  • Debit/Credit cards
  • Immunization records
  • Medical prescriptions (if any)
  • Travel itinerary 


In general, you will need to include the following clothing items in your packing list for Spain to cover you for all seasons in the country:

  • Belts
  • Jeans
  • Sweaters
  • Underwear
  • Shoes
  • Pyjamas
  • Shorts
  • Swimsuit
  • Dress
  • Jacket
  • T-shirt
  • Socks
  • Sweatshirts
  • Umbrella
  • Light Sweater
  • Undershirt
  • Casual outfits
  • Dress shoes
  • Workout clothes
  • Shorts/Skirts
  • Mini skirts
Study Abroad Packing List for Spain


You can add the following electronic gadgets to your packing list for Spain:

  • Laptop
  • Phone
  • Chargers
  • USB Cable
  • Camera (optional)
  • Flash drive
  • E-book reader/Kindle
  • Headphones
  • Electronic items cases

Personal Care

Here’s a list of some travel-sized toiletries to carry in your packing list for Spain:

  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Shampoo and conditioner
  • Deodorant
  • Shaving supplies
  • Contact lenses
  • Medicines
  • Hairbrush
  • Makeup
  • Sunglasses
  • Nail clippers
  • Sunscreen
  • Towel
  • Antihistamines
  • Bandage
  • Clothes
  • Lip balm
  • Mask
  • Menstrual hygiene items
  • Soap
  • Tissues


  • Cash for emergency purposes
  • Regular and digital map 
  • Powerbank
  • Small bags/purses for day trips
  • Cardholders
  • Accessories to go with your outfits
  • Water bottles

Also Read: Europe Travel Checklist: What to Pack Before for Your Trip?

What NOT to Include in Your Packing List for Spain?

Given below is a list of restricted or prohibited items by Spanish authorities to avoid adding to your packing list for Spain:

  • Large quantities of liquids
  • Weapons and firearms
  • Drugs and narcotics
  • Endangered plant/animal species and products
  • Fresh food (meat, fruits, vegetables)
  • Alcohol
  • Medication (without prescription)

For a more detailed packing list for Spain, download and refer to the free PDF below:

Packing List for Spain: Travel Finances

As an international student, you must have €100-€200 to cover taxi fare, airport transfers, initial groceries, and unexpected costs when you land in Spain. The country allows travellers to enter the country with up to €10,000 without declaring it to customs. Carrying a large amount of cash can be risky in case of theft or loss, so look for cards with low foreign transaction fees to access funds in Spain.

Given below are some other travel expenses for international students:

Visa application fees€60-100
Health insurance€30-€50
Checked baggage fees€50-€100
Airport food€10-€20
Travel adapters€5-€15
Public transportation from the airport€30-€50

Packing List for Spain: Baggage Limit for International Students

Once your packing list for Spain is done, you need to figure out how much to pack. The allowed baggage weight and number of pieces depends entirely on the airline you’re flying with. Here are some general criteria regarding the same:

Luggage TypeLimit
Checked 23kg (50 lbs) per bag
Carry-on 7kg-10kg (15 lbs – 22 lbs)

Note: You can look for the baggage information section of your chosen airline, usually under “Travel Info” or “FAQ”. They will detail the baggage allowance by fare class (economy, business, etc.) and may even have a baggage calculator tool.

Also Read: Packing List for Ireland: Know What You Need to Carry for Your Studies Abroad

Some Useful Last-Minute Tips

Here are some useful last-minute tips to ensure everything in your packing list for Spain is covered:

  1. Double-check your visa: Ensure it’s valid for the duration of your stay and covers your studies.
  2. Pack important documents: Passport, visa, health insurance documents, enrollment letter, flight confirmations – keep them readily accessible in your carry-on luggage.
  3. Download essential apps: Google Translate can be a lifesaver, as well as offline maps and local transportation apps. Consider language learning apps too!
  4. Activate your phone internationally: Contact your mobile carrier to activate international roaming or consider a local Spanish SIM card upon arrival.
  5. Think layers: Pack clothes that can be easily mixed and matched to adapt to changing temperatures.
  6. Learn some basic Spanish phrases: Even a few greetings and essential phrases will go a long way with locals.
  7. Research cultural norms: Understanding basic Spanish customs like greetings, mealtimes, and punctuality will help you avoid any faux pas.
  8. Pack a small gift for your homestay family or dorm roommate: A small token from your home country shows appreciation and can be a great conversation starter.

Relevant Reads:

MIM in SpainSpain Study Visa
Cost of Studying in SpainScholarships for Spain
Spain Work VisaMBA Programs in Barcelona


Q.1 What should I pack for 1 week in Spain?

Answer: Here’s a list of what to pack for your 1-week trip to Spain:

1. Durable shorts/skirts
2. Trousers
3. A pair of jeans
4. Few t-shirts
5. Long-sleeved top
6. Waterproof jacket
7. Underwear
8. Sturdy footwear
9. Swimwear
10. Other accessories

Q.2 What should I prepare for a trip to Spain?

Here are some essentials to prepare for your trip to Spain: 

1. Pack light clothes for warm weather, 
2. Pack comfortable shoes for walking, a swimsuit, and a light scarf or sweater for evenings. 
3. Don’t forget your chargers and adapters!  
4. Also, learning a few basic Spanish phrases will go a long way.

Q.3 What to wear when travelling to Spain?

Answer: You should opt for light, breathable clothes, comfy walking shoes, and layers for cooler evenings. 

We hope this blog gave you a complete overview of what to add to your packing list for Spain as an international student. For more content on student life abroad, keep following Leverage Edu. Thank you for reading!

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