
Study Abroad in USA: IUP Council of Trustees Sign on Reducing Tuition Fees for International Students

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Study in Ukraine: A Significant Increase in Overseas Students Numbers in the Year 2019
According to the discussion of the Council of Trustees, international students will pay a much-reduced tuition cost and might have savings of nearly $4,788 a year.

The recession increased the tuition fees of most Universities for international students. Taking this cue, the Indiana University of Pennsylvania took a step to make international education more affordable. Thus, the university discussed the issue of high tuition fees in its recent meeting. The meeting took place at Kovalchick Convention and Athletic Complex on 23rd March 2023. The tuition fees for international students with 15 credits will come down by roughly 20%.

IUP Council of Trustees Meeting

The meeting of the Council of Trustees was crucial for undergraduate students. This is because it was the same meeting last year December when they proposed and approved a 20% decrease in tuition fees for out-of-state students. This meeting placed the same 20% deduction on the international students.

International students with 15 credits will now have savings of $4,788 a year. Additionally, they would have to pay a flat amount of $9,576 per semester. The fee deduction will have a lot of ripple effects on the admissions of undergraduate students in 2023.

The council states that this is a part of the University’s commitment to be student-centric. They plan to welcome international students as “full members of the IUP family”. This setup is a huge thought aimed at increasing the capital income from the admissions of international students. While the economy settles with this decision, there will be a better future for international students.

The President of IUP, Dr. Michael Driscoll mentions that the decision of the Council requires more thorough discussion and review from the University Budget Advisory Committee. Thus, it is still in the process to take a form for international students getting admissions in 2023.

Forward Words of the COT Meeting

The next meeting of the COT is scheduled for the 4th of May 2023. The meeting will start at 5 pm. The location would be Conference Rooms 6 and 7 of the KCAC. International students can save the date to know the final deductions in the tuition fees so that they can apply for IUP.

IUP Council of Trustees Sign on Reducing Tuition Fees for International Students
IUP Council of Trustees Sign on Reducing Tuition Fees for International Students

Thus, international students can now access great options for their education from universities abroad. Leverage Edu is a one-stop solution for all study abroad dreams of Indian students. Follow the news updates space for great educational updates!

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