
Study Abroad: House Panel Offers Suggestions To The Education Ministry

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The recommendations also include increasing the scholarship amount to help students from low-income families and socially disadvantaged groups.

As a part of the parliamentary standing committee on women, children, education, youth and sport, the Education Ministry received recommendations. Vivek Thankur, the BJP MP from Bihar headed the committee. The House Panel recommended in its demand for grants report submitted in the Rajya Sabha on Tuesday.

House Panel Offers Suggestions To The Education Ministry 

The recommendations include filling up vacancies in higher education institutions in India, strengthening e-learning, fast tracking the revision of Higher Education Financing Agency or HEFA scheme, and increasing the process of granting the IOE status (Institute of Eminence) status to the remaining selected institutions.

Recommendations to the Education Ministry

Some of the main recommendations offered by the House Panel to the Education Ministry are as follows

  • Strengthen E-Learning

 One of the main recommendations to the education ministry was to reevaluate the schemes under the ‘Digital e-learning’ category. The committee has emphasized that there is a pressing need to ensure that digital learning penetrates eleven further.  For this, the digital e-learning category needs to be in tune with the main objectives such as developing high-quality electronic content in all local languages, developing high-end-skill development courses, creating guidelines for online education to deal with the digital divide, and making use of technology to integrate with the Indian education system.

  • Increase Funds at HEFA 

The outbreak of Covid-19 has resulted in reducing funds for HEFA. An increase in funding can increase the quality of education in India.

  • Accelerate Granting of IOA Status 

The IOE scheme 2017 is about increasing the global ranking of institutions. The goal was to increase the 20 institutions of eminence. However, only 8 public institutions and four private institutions have been added to the category.  Hence, the panel recommended that to accelerate the process of granting the IOA status to institutions.

  • Increasing scholarship amount

The scholarship amount needs to be increased considering the amount borne by the students. Most beneficiaries of such scholarship schemes will be students from socially disadvantaged groups and low income families.

  • Fill Vacancies 

The committee stated that around 27,693 posts in teaching and non-teaching categories are vacant in educational institutions. It includes popular institutions such as IITs, NITs, and IIMs. To fill these vacancies the committee recommends special recruitment campaigns. It will help in filling up these vacancies by the end of 2023.

Benefits to Indian International Students

The Ministry of Education is likely to take these recommendations seriously. Thus, Indian students can get the benefit of better digital education across educational institutions. Moreover, students who excel in academics can take advantage of the scholarship facilities. It will particularly help the students from the low income families and socially disadvantaged groups.

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