
Phrases for Causes and Effects in IELTS: Top 5 Phrases, Sample Questions and Useful Tips 

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Causes and effects essays in the IELTS test more than just your proficiency in the English language. They delve into a specific issue, demanding students dissect its causes and effects before articulating solid responses. This task requires not only a firm grasp of the language but also the ability to think critically and analytically, making it a true showcase of academic prowess. 


Such questions, albeit interesting for many, may pose a major challenge for some. To save you from the predicament of not being able to come up with a solid answer, phrases may come in handy. Phrases will not only help you formulate well-structured answers but will also help you come up with comprehensive and comprehensible answers. Read the complete article to learn more about phrases for causes and effects essays in IELTS. 

Top 5 Phrases for Expressing Causes and Effects in IELTS Writing Task 2

Causes and Effects Topics in IELTS Writing Task 2 require students to identify the causes or reasons of an issue or problem and discuss their effects. Having a solid grasp of certain phrases majorly used in such tasks can help students come up with coherent and comprehensive essay answers with ease. Here are some of the most common phrases used in ‘Causes and Effects’ questions in IELTS Writing Task 2.

…due to…The increase in the covid cases is due to the negligence of common people. 
As a result of…Her website thrives as a result of her hard work, dedication and correct knowledge of the market. 
One of the main reasons for… is…One of the main reasons for the increase in the suicide rate in Kota is the extreme pressure that parents put on their children. 
…caused by…The decline in bee populations is caused by the use of pesticides.
The consequences of… are…The consequences of climate change are becoming increasingly apparent.

Causes and Effects In IELTS Speaking Part 3: Sample Questions and Answers

Causes and Effects Essays in IELTS Speaking Part 3 pose a major challenge for students. Such tasks require students to identify and analyze the causes of an issue, and then explore their effects. Phrases, in such questions, can help students come up with responses that are not only eloquent but also comprehensible. 

That being said, one must know how to use phrases in IELTS Speaking Part 3: Causes and Effects Essays. Here are some sample questions, along with their answers to help you get an idea of such essays and how to answer them effectively. 

Question 1: Identify the Cause and Effect Phrases in the following sentences

  1. Due to Sara’s procrastination, she did not pass the IELTS exam.

Ans: Cause: Sara’s procrastination, Effect: She did not pass the IELTS exam

  1. He failed the test because of his poor preparation strategy.
    Ans: Cause: His poor preparation strategy, Effect: He failed the test
  2. As a result of the traffic, we cancelled the group study session.
    Ans: Cause: The traffic, Effect: We cancelled the group study session.
  3.  Donald could not attend owing to his impeachment.
    Ans: Cause: Donald’s impeachment, Effect: Donald could not attend
  4. Because Jared was dishonest, he ended up in jail.
    Ans: Cause: Jared was dishonest, Effect: He ended up in jail. 
  5. He lost a lot of money because the court proved he was guilty.
    Ans: Cause: the court proved he was guilty, Effect: He lost a lot of money

Q2. Use common phrases for causes and effects essays and write a solid response to the given topic: 

Despite a large number of gyms, a sedentary lifestyle is gaining popularity in the contemporary world. What problems are associated with this? 

Sample Answer: Though modern society boasts an abundance of sports facilities and a burgeoning emphasis on fitness, a paradoxical trend of increasing sedentary behaviour has emerged. This essay will delve into the primary issues associated with this widespread phenomenon and explore potential solutions for mitigating its detrimental effects.

The sedentary lifestyle fostered by technology’s ubiquity comes at a hefty price – a rise in obesity and health complications. Hours spent glued to screens slumped on couches, and perched at desks translate to a dramatic decrease in daily physical activity. This sedentary trap not only burns fewer calories and fuels weight gain, but also wreaks havoc on posture and spinal health. Studies paint a grim picture: prolonged sitting weakens muscles, promotes spinal curvature, and paves the way for a slew of spinal ailments. Backaches, for example, become a weekly torment for a staggering 80% of the population.

To combat the epidemic of inactivity, the most potent weapon is embracing an active way of life. This starts with a simple shift: prioritising walking and cycling over motorised options for short commutes and errands. Not only are these sustainable choices kinder to the environment, but they also inject a healthy dose of physical activity into everyday routines.

Beyond mere transportation, we need to address the allure of passive leisure activities. In a world saturated with screens and sedentary pleasures, carving out time for physical exertion requires deliberate effort. So, let’s prioritise active alternatives over mindless lounging. Engaging in sports, dancing, or even brisk walks, no matter how short, can be the antidote to unhealthy lifestyles and their associated hazards.

How to Use Common Phrases in IELTS Causes and Effects Essays? 

The IELTS Academic Causes/effects essay can feel like a formidable challenge for many students. Unwittingly, they may stumble into a series of pitfalls, hindering their chances of attaining the coveted high scores.

 However, by tackling these shortcomings head-on, they can pave the way for a stellar performance. Let’s explore some crucial tips and common mistakes to steer clear of during your journey through this essay challenge, and how you can effectively implement phrases in your IELTS essays to score better. 

  • You must always analyse the question before attempting to answer. Doing so will give you enough room to plan, introspect and think of what phrases you should use to come up with a well-articulated response. You can analyse the question by identifying the topic words, other keywords, and instruction words. 
  • Stay clever from repeating your phrases. This will make your essay seem monotonous and boring. Use phrases sparsely to create an impact on your audience. That being said,  engaging in an internal dialogue through informal brainstorming can stimulate the generation of initial ideas and facilitate the subsequent organisation of them into a coherent essay structure. 
  • You must hone and broaden your repertoire of IELTS phrases to bolster your chances of scoring better in IELTS. Whilst mind mapping your answer, try thinking of the phrases that you want to use to make your essay more impactful and striking. 
  • You must link the causes and their effects to come up with a cohesive, impactful, and comprehensive response. 

So that was all about the most common phrases for causes and effects essays in IELTS. Hope the blog has answered your queries regarding the topic. 

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Q1. What are the common mistakes one must avoid whilst writing IELTS causes-effects?

Ans: Individuals must avoid under-developing their ideas, keeping both sides of the argument incomplete, not linking the causes and effects and being ambiguous. 

Q2. What is the scoring range of IELTS writing? 

Ans: The scoring range of IELTS writing is 0-9. 

Q3. What is the structure of an IELTS Causes-Effects Essay? 

Ans: The IELTS Causes-Effects Essay can be segregated into an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. 

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