
Here is a list of 10+ Helpful Phrases to Help you Study Abroad in Germany

4 minute read
phrases to study abroad in germany

Germany is one of the most popular countries where students wish to pursue their education. The country excels in various fields including technology, automotive, engineering and more. But, every international student has one dilemma in Germany and that is the German Language. Most student struggle with the language, however, being prepared with a few necessary phrases can make a huge difference in understanding basic sentences and making your study abroad experience smoother. Continue, reading the blog to know about helpful phrases to study abroad in Germany.


Helpful Greetings and Introduction Phrases to Study Abroad in Germany 

The following are some of the helpful greeting phrases to study abroad in Germany:

  • Hallo! – Hello
  • Guten Morgen! – Good Morning
  • Ich heiße… – My Name is …
  • Wie heißen Sie? – What is your name
  • Mir geht’s gut. – I am doing well
  • Wie geht’s? – How are you 
  • Ich komme aus… – I am from…
  • (den USA – USA
  • Kanada – Canada
  • Australien – Australia)
  • Bis später! – See you later
  • Tschüß – Bye

Also Read: Study in Germany for Indian Students

Helpful Directions Phrases to Study Abroad in Germany

The following are some of the helpful direction phrases to study abroad in Germany:

  • Wo? – Where
  • Entschuldigung, wo ist…? – Excuse me, where is?
  • Ist es weit weg? – Is it far away
  • Bringen Sie mich bitte zu dieser Adresse – Pls Bring me to this address
  • Zum Bahnhof, bitte – To the train station, please
  • In welcher Richtung ist…? – In what direction is…
  • Zum Stadtzentrum, bitte – To the City centre, please
  • Um die Ecke – Round the corner
  • Geradeaus – Straight ahead
  • Halten Sie bitte hier an – Please stop here

Also Read: German Language Tests to Study in Germany

Helpful Public Transportation Phrases to Study in Germany

The following are some of the helpful travelling and public transportation phrases to study abroad in Germany:

  • Muss ich umsteigen? – Do I have to change?
  • Wo ist die Bushaltestelle? – Where is the bus stop?
  • Wie viel kostet eine Fahrkarte nach…? – How much is a ticket to..?
  • Darf ich bitte einen Stadtplan haben? – May I have a city map, please?
  • Wo ist die U-Bahn? – Where is the underground train (subway/metro)?
  • Fährt dieser Zug nach…? – Does this train go to?
  • Können Sie mir das auf der Karte zeigen? – Can you show me the map?

Helpful Travelling Phrases to Study in Germany

The following are the helpful travelling phrases to study in Germany:

  • Ist der Flughafen weit weg? – Is the Airport far away?
  • Wo ist der beste Supermarkt? – Where is the best supermarket?
  • Wo ist die nächste Tankstelle? – Where is the nearest gas station?
  • Ist der Bahnhof neben dem Fluss? – Is the train station next to the river?
  • Wo ist die leckerste Bäckerei? – Where is the tastiest bakery?

Helpful Phrases for Emergency

The following are the common phrases for an emergency in Germany:

Hilfe! – Help!!

  • Wo ist die Apotheke? – Where is the pharmacy?
  • Ich brauche die Polizei. – I need the police
  • Wo ist das Krankenhaus? – Where is the hospital?
  • Mir geht’s schlecht – I don’t feel well
  • Lassen Sie mich in Ruhe – Leave me alone 
  • Es ist ein Notfall – It is an emergency 
  • Ich habe mich verlaufen – I got lost 

Also Read: Everything you need to know about DSH German Test

Benefits of Learning Helpful Phrases to Study in Germany 

The following are the benefits of learning helpful German phrases:

  • Learning the above-mentioned phrases and many others would be a great help for international students to convey their basic messages to people and also commute through the place better. 
  • It is rather important in case of emergencies to convey your needs to people in the native language so that they can understand you better
  • Learning a few phrases of the native language will also help you to bond with the more people 
  • You can also understand directions and destination boards, helping you to figure out the route and travel better


Q1. What are the phrases to know before going to Germany?

Ans. The following are the phrases you should know before going to Germany:
Hallo! – Hello
Guten Morgen! – Good Morning
Ich heiße… – My Name is …
Wie heißen Sie? – What is your name
Mir geht’s gut. – I am doing well
Wie geht’s? – How are you 

Q2. Why should I learn German phrases?

Ans. The following are the benefits of learning helpful German phrases:
Learning the above-mentioned phrases and many others would be a great help for international students to convey their basic messages to people and also commute through the place better. 
It is rather important in case of emergencies to convey your needs to people in the native language so that they can understand you better

Q3. What are the popular German phrases?

Ans. The following are the popular German phrases:
Entschuldigung (Excuse me) 
Danke (Thanks) 
Sorry (Sorry)

So, we hope that this blog has provided you with relevant information on Helpful Phrases to Study Abroad in Germany. And if you wish to study abroad, contact Leverage Edu for full assistance. You can also call us at 1800572000 and book a free session today!

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