
25 March: IELTS Speaking Topic – Speaking Part 3: Influence On the Young (Follow-up Questions)

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Influence On the Young (Follow-up Questions)

Q-  What type of people influence the young in your country?

Ans– In my country, many people, including parents, teachers, celebrities, and peers, can influence young people. However, the specific type of influence may vary depending on the age and social background of the young people. For instance, younger children are more likely to be influenced by their parents and teachers, while teenagers are more susceptible to peer pressure and media influence. For instance, my parents were my primary role models when I was growing up. They were both hardworking and compassionate individuals who instilled in me the importance of honesty, kindness, and perseverance. I remember how my father would always help our neighbours in need, and my mother would volunteer at a local charity. Their actions inspired me to pursue a career in social work, where I could help people in my community.


Q- Why is it important to have role models?

Ans- Having role models is crucial for young people as it helps them shape their values, attitudes, and behaviours. Role models can inspire young people to achieve their goals, overcome challenges, and positively contribute to society. Moreover, having positive role models can help young people develop a sense of identity and self-esteem, which is essential for their mental and emotional well-being. I had a teacher who was a passionate advocate for social justice and human rights. Her commitment to social change inspired me to become involved in volunteer work and advocacy for marginalized communities. She also provided guidance and support when I was applying to college and pursuing my degree. Through her example, I learned the importance of using my skills and knowledge to make a positive difference in the world. Her mentorship and guidance have been invaluable to me, and I credit her as one of the most influential people in my life. Overall, having role models can have a significant impact on young people’s lives, providing them with guidance and inspiration to achieve their goals and make positive contributions to society.

Q- Do you think the education system in your country influences young people’s behaviour?

Ans- I think the education system has some influence on young people’s behaviour, but its impact may not be as significant as other social factors. The education system in my country focuses more on academic achievement and skill development than on moral and ethical values. However, schools can still promote positive behaviour by providing a safe and supportive learning environment and teaching students about important social issues. I remember how my high school had a program that encouraged students to participate in volunteer activities and community service. Through this program, I had the opportunity to volunteer at a homeless shelter and a nursing home. These experiences helped me develop empathy and a sense of social responsibility, which I believe has influenced my behaviour positively.

Q- What type of person (parents, teachers, friends, etc.) influences young people’s behavior best?

Ans- When it comes to influencing young people’s behavior, I believe parents and teachers have the most significant role. Parents are the primary caregivers and role models for children. They can shape their children’s behaviour by setting a good example, providing guidance and support, and establishing clear boundaries and expectations. Conversely, teachers can influence young people by providing positive reinforcement, modelling good behavior, and offering guidance and support. When I was in college, I had a group of motivated and ambitious friends. They inspired me to work hard and pursue my dreams, and we would often encourage each other to study and achieve our goals.

Q- What do you think young people will be most influenced by in the future?

Ans- In the future, I think young people will be most influenced by digital technology and social media. With the widespread use of smartphones and the internet, young people have access to unprecedented information and social connections. As a result, they may be more susceptible to negative influences such as cyberbullying, online addiction, and misinformation. Therefore, it is crucial for parents, teachers, and policymakers to educate young people on responsible digital citizenship and provide them with the necessary skills and tools to navigate the digital world safely and effectively. For example, I have used social media to connect with like-minded individuals and learn about social issues, but I have also witnessed cyberbullying and online harassment. Therefore, I think parents and educators must educate young people on the responsible use of social media and provide them with the skills to navigate the digital world safely.

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