
IELTS Listening Vocabulary: Most Frequently Asked Words

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IELTS Listening Vocabulary

IELTS Listening Vocabulary: All up to begin your study abroad journey as a freshman? Then you might be aware of if your desired university overseas requires a language proficiency test like IELTS or not. The full form of this highly recognised exam is International English Language Testing System. A huge number of students undergo the IELTS examination as a minimum requirement to be eligible for admission into a top university in the UK, US, Canada, or any other country. 


As the test is targeted at analysing the English proficiency of test-takers in terms of writing, speaking, reading, and listening. This blog article focuses on clubbing the most frequently asked IELTS Listening Vocabulary to help you buckle up for a good IELTS score band. 

What is IELTS Listening Test?

The IELTS Listening section is one of the integral parts of the test, playing a pivotal role to get a good IELTS score band. The test section remains the same for both the General and Academic proficiency tests. The Listening test assesses your ability to understand the speakers’ key ideas, viewpoints, detailed information, motif, and attitudes, as well as your ability to follow the evolution of ideas.

In your IELTS Listening test, you will have to pay attention to four recorded audio and answer 40 questions based on them. The first two recordings deal with circumstances that you could encounter in regular life. The second two recordings, on the other hand, are about circumstances that might arise in an educational or training setting.

Also Watch: Top 11 IELTS Listening Tips to Get 8+ Band Score

List of Most Frequently Asked IELTS Listening Vocabulary

Once you are ready to get going with your IELTS Listening preparation, do not forget to go through the commonly asked listening vocabulary to cut short your preparation time. Here is a list of more than 20 frequently used IELTS listening vocabulary with examples for your reference:

AnalyseTo study something in detail and break it down into smaller parts.In order to answer the question, you need to analyse the graph and pick out the relevant data.
Conclusion Decision or judgement reached after consideration of the evidence.The speaker’s conclusion was that the company’s profits had decreased due to increased competition.
CriticiseTo express disapproval of something.The lecturer criticised the essay for being too superficial and not addressing the key issues.
DistinguishTo recognise or understand the difference between things.It’s important to distinguish between the two graphs and not get confused by the similarities.
EvaluateTo assess the worth or quality of something.The report evaluated the impact of climate change policies on the economy.
Interpret To explain the meaning of something.The interviewee’s statement was difficult to interpret as it was unclear what he meant by ‘significant progress’.
JustifyGiving reasons or evidence to support a decision or action.The decision to invest in renewable energy was justified by the need to reduce carbon emissions.
OutlineTo give a summary or brief description of something.Before starting the essay, you should outline the main points you want to cover.
RecapTo summarise or review something.The lecturer did a quick recap of the important points before moving on to the next topic.
SummariseTo give a brief statement of the main points of something.Could you please summarise the article in a few sentences?
ElaborateTo give more detail or explanation about something.The speaker asked the panellists to elaborate on their views about the impact of social media on society.
EmphasiseGiving special importance or prominence to something.The lecturer emphasised the importance of time management in achieving academic success.
HypothesiseTo propose a tentative explanation for something. The scientist hypothesised that the new drug could be used to treat cancer.
InquireTo ask for information about something.The interviewer inquired about the candidate’s previous work experience.
ModifyTo make changes to something.The company modified its product design based on customer feedback.
ObserveTo notice or watch something carefully.The researcher observed the participants’ behaviour during the experiment.
PredictTo estimate or anticipate what is likely to happen in the future.The economist predicted that the stock market would experience a downturn next year.
PresumeTo take something to be true without proof or confirmation.The lawyer presumed that the defendant was innocent until proven guilty.
QuestionTo express doubt or uncertainty about something.The student questioned the validity of the source material used in the research paper.
RecogniseTo identify something familiar or known. The speaker recognised the audience member from a previous conference.
RefuteTo prove that something is false or incorrect.The scientist refuted the popular belief that vaccines cause autism.
SuggestOffering a possible idea or solution. The teacher suggested that the students use flashcards to memorise vocabulary.
SynthesiseTo combine different things to form a coherent whole.The report synthesised the findings of several studies on the effects of climate change on wildlife.
ValidateTo confirm or prove the accuracy or validity of something.The researcher validated the results of the experiment by conducting a follow-up study.
VerifyTo check or confirm the truth or accuracy of something.The accountant verified the accuracy of the financial statements before submitting them.

Also Read: How to Prepare for IELTS?

For more up-to-date information, you can visit the official website of IELTS by clicking HERE.


How can I perform well in IELTS listening?

The key to performing well in your IELTS listening test is listening till the end of the recorded audio and then answering the questions. Another important tip would be answering questions in their sequential order.

How to improve IELTS listening skills?

To improve your IELTS listening skills you should become adapt to listening to more and more English audios. You can also build a habit of listening to the audio only once and then answering the questions to judge your familiarity with the accent.

Where can I apply for  IELTS?

To apply for the IELTS proficiency test, you need to visit the official website of the British Counsel and register yourself in advance for the online examination.

We hope the information mentioned in our blog on IELTS Listening Vocabulary will help you in improving your  IELTS listening vocabulary. Leverage Edu provides excellent online IELTS preparation. All you have to do is get in touch with our experts to start your IELTS preparation. 

For more updates related to IELTS Vocabulary, stay tuned to our official webpage. You can also follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin to get your portion of overseas education updates. 

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