Q- Describe a time you had to apologize to someone. You should say:
a) Who was this person?
b) What was the reason for your apology?
c) When did you apologize?
Explain why you thought of apologizing to this person.
Ans: A few months ago, I had to apologize to my very close colleague, Geetanjali who has been working with me for two years. Although we stand by each other through thick and thin, I remember a day when a misunderstanding took place between us.
Geetanjali was my teammate in a collaborative project. Due to some miscommunication, I inadvertently dismissed her ideas concerning the project which gave rise to a major conflict. This escalated to such a point that a heated argument between us ensued and thus created a rift in our friendship.
Later, I realized that it was my mistake to ignore her ideas without considering them. I understood that my actions had been the cause of her getting hurt and regretted the way I treated her. After pondering over the thought for some time, I mustered courage and approached her. I needed to do my best to attempt reconciliation and confess my mistake to her. I explained it was never my intention to hurt her. I admitted that ignoring her suggestions was incorrect on my part. As I opened up to her, I assured her that such an incident would never happen again and promised to value her opinions. After patiently listening to me, Geetanjali appreciated my honesty and accepted my apology.
All of this taught me the value of thorough communication with people. It also made me realize that as humans we are prone to make mistakes and it is okay to admit when you are wrong. This experience strengthened my bond with her and made our friendship stronger.
In conclusion, apologizing to Geetanjali made our friendship stronger and brought us closer. It taught me the value of humility and respect. It helped me know the importance of communication that is required to sustain any relationship.
Description of the person to whom I had to apologize: A few months ago, I had to apologize to my very close colleague, Geetanjali who has been working with me for two years.
Reason for apologizing: Although we stand by each other through thick and thin, I remember a day when a misunderstanding took place between us. Geetanjali was my teammate in a collaborative project. Due to some miscommunication, I inadvertently dismissed her ideas concerning the project which gave rise to a major conflict. This escalated to such a point that a heated argument between us ensued and thus created a rift in our friendship.
When did you apologize: Later, I realized that it was my mistake to ignore her ideas without considering them. I understood that my actions had been the cause of her getting hurt and regretted the way I treated her.
Why did you apologize: After pondering over the thought for some time, I mustered courage and approached her. I needed to do my best to attempt reconciliation and confess my mistake to her. I explained it was never my intention to hurt her. I admitted that ignoring her suggestions was incorrect on my part. As I opened up to her, I assured her that such an incident would never happen again and promised to value her opinions. After patiently listening to me, Geetanjali appreciated my honesty and accepted my apology.
Lessons learned from the incident: All of this taught me the value of thorough communication with people. It also made me realize that as humans we are prone to make mistakes and it is okay to admit when you are wrong. This experience strengthened my bond with her and made our friendship stronger.
Conclusion: In conclusion, apologizing to Geetanjali made our friendship stronger and brought us closer. It taught me the value of humility and respect. It helped me know the importance of communication that is required to sustain any relationship.
Vocabulary in Use
Word | Meanings |
Through thick and thin | Staying loyal in both good and difficult times. |
Inadvertently dismissed | Unintentionally disregarded or ignored. |
Escalated | Became more serious or intense. |
Heated argument | A passionate and intense disagreement. |
Ensued | Happened afterwards, usually as a result. |
Rift | A serious disagreement that separates people. |
Mustered | Gathered or summoned. |
Pondering | Thinking carefully for a noticeable length of time. |
Reconciliation | Making two opposing parties friendly again after a disagreement. |
Humility | The quality of not being proud and acknowledging one’s flaws. |
Sustain | To support, maintain, or endure. |
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