
IELTS Daily Essay Topic: Some people think it is a good thing for senior managers to have much higher salaries than the other workers in a company.

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IELTS Daily Essay Topic: Some people think it is a good thing for senior managers to have much higher salaries than the other workers in a company.

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Brainstorming Ideas

a) I think that the wage gap between employees and senior managers hampers the productivity of employees. 

b) Managers are important figures in an organisation as they make important decisions for the betterment of the company and their compensation should be reflective of their duties.

c) But if there is too much of a wage gap, it can demotivate others and reduce their morale. 

d) This difference will create inequality in society and understate values such as fairness and equality.

e) Further distortions in the wage will lead to managers focusing on the short-term gains that will increase their income but will only cause harm to the organisation in the long term.

brainstorming ideas

Q. Some people think it is a good thing for senior managers to have much higher salaries than the other workers in a company. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Ans. The issue of differences in wages for senior managers and other employees is a subject of debate. Some people state that differences in salary are justified while others believe that it fosters inequality. I firmly believe that such a wage gap can hamper the overall productivity of the employees.

Senior managers are important figures in any organisation as they have many responsibilities on their heads. A company trusts them with decision-making, forming strategies that can pave the way towards a company’s success and profitability. They make sustainable, long-term decisions and so their compensation reflects the weight of these duties. However, the extent to which it continues should be kept in check. When the pay gap widens, it creates resentment amongst the employees working at lower levels, leading to demotivation and reduced morale. A workplace where everyone feels treated equally and each member’s efforts are valued will generate optimal performance. 

In contrast, huge pay disparity will create inequality within the society. Senior managers will accumulate wealth, while the majority of their subordinates will struggle to make ends meet. This inequality leads to division in society and understates values such as fairness and equality. Furthermore, higher salaries for top-level employees can distort the long-term goals of the company. When senior managers start to focus more on the incentives that they will get for a particular task, there is a risk of them prioritising short-term goals over long-term stability. This can lead to the promotion of unethical practices such as cost-cutting measures that can compromise an employee’s welfare. If the compensation is equally distributed it will encourage sustainable growth and ethical business practices. 

In conclusion, while senior managers merit higher salaries due to their crucial roles within the organization, it is essential to ensure equitable treatment for all employees. Excessive salary gaps may hinder a company’s success, as it depends not only on financial gains but also on a united and motivated workforce. Thus, I refute the notion that wide salary disparities are advantageous for the organisation. Rather, the emphasis should be on compensation strategies fostering harmony, productivity, and overall social well-being.


Paraphrased Statement: The issue of differences in wages for senior managers and other employees is a subject of debate. Some people state that differences in salary are justified while others believe that it fosters inequality. 

Thesis Statement:  I firmly believe that such a wage gap can hamper the overall productivity of the employees.

Body Paragraph 1-Topic Sentences: Senior managers are important figures in any organisation as they have many responsibilities on their heads. A company trusts them with decision-making, forming strategies that can pave the way towards a company’s success and profitability. They make sustainable, long-term decisions and so their compensation reflects the weight of these duties. 

Body Paragraph 1- Supporting Reasons and Explanations:  However, the extent to which it continues should be kept in check. When the pay gap widens, it creates resentment amongst the employees working at lower levels, leading to demotivation and reduced morale. A workplace where everyone feels treated equally and each member’s efforts are valued will generate optimal performance. 

Body Paragraph 2- Topic sentence: In contrast, huge pay disparity will create inequality within the society. Senior managers will accumulate wealth, while the majority of their subordinates will struggle to make ends meet. This inequality leads to division in society and understates values such as fairness and equality. 

Body Paragraph 2- Supporting Reasons and Explanations: Furthermore, higher salaries for top-level employees can distort the long-term goals of the company. When senior managers start to focus more on the incentives that they will get for a particular task, there is a risk of them prioritising short-term goals over long-term stability. This can lead to the promotion of unethical practices such as cost-cutting measures that can compromise an employee’s welfare. If the compensation is equally distributed it will encourage sustainable growth and ethical business practices. 

Conclusion: In conclusion, while senior managers merit higher salaries due to their crucial roles within the organization, it is essential to ensure equitable treatment for all employees. Excessive salary gaps may hinder a company’s success, as it depends not only on financial gains but also on a united and motivated workforce. Thus, I refute the notion that wide salary disparities are advantageous for the organization. Rather, the emphasis should be on compensation strategies fostering harmony, productivity, and overall social well-being.

Vocabulary in Use

Fosters Encourages growth or development.
Hamper Prevents progress or makes things difficult.
ResentmentFeeling of anger due to unfair treatment.
MoraleConfidence level of a group or individual.
Optimal performancePeak state of immersion in a task.
DisparityLack of fairness or equality.
Accumulate Gathering things over time.
UnderstatesDescribing something as less than it is.
DistortTwisting the true meaning.
Cost-cutting measuresSteps to reduce expenses.
Equitable treatmentFair and impartial behavior.
HinderMaking it difficult for something to happen.
RefuteProving a statement or person wrong.

Linkers and Connectors Used

Following are the Linkers and Connectors:

  1. The issue of
  2. Some people state
  3. While others believe
  4. I firmly believe
  5. As they have
  6. So their compensation
  7. However
  8. When the pay gap widens
  9. A workplace where
  10. In contrast
  11. This inequality leads to
  12. Furthermore
  13. When senior managers start to
  14. This can lead to
  15. If the compensation is equally distributed
  16. In conclusion
  17. While senior managers merit
  18. Thus, I refute
  19. Rather, the emphasis should be

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