Bring Your Parents to Australia Permanently with a Parent Visa 

6 minute read
parent visa australia

Parent visa Australia or Subclass 103 visa is a visa granted to parents of a settled Australian citizen, eligible New Zealand citizen, or Australian permanent resident. This is a permanent visa. Hence, there is no visa expiry date. The visa can be used by settled Indian students (already become an Australian citizen or permanent residents) to bring their parents to Australia. The visa permits the visa holder to work and study in the country. Keep reading to learn more about parent visa in Australia.

What is a Parent Visa Australia?

A parent visa in Australia is also known as a subclass 103 visa. The visa is available to the parents of settled Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents, or New Zealand citizens. The visa allows the visa holder to stay in the country permanently. Moreover, working and studying in the country is also permitted. The visa holder can be a part of Australia’s public health care scheme, Medicare, and can even sponsor family members to come to Australia. However, the visa holders can only travel to and from Australia for 5 years. After 5 years, the parent visa holder will have to apply for a Resident Return (RRV) or become an Australian citizen to travel in and out of the country. 

The video below explains in detail about the parent visa Australia.

Credit; @visastoaustralia

Know all About Australia Visa Before Applying

Parent Visa Australia Eligibility

The eligibility requirements for a parent visa in Australia are as follows. These requirements must be met to apply for a parent visa Australia. 

  • Must have an eligible child who is an Australian permanent resident, an Australian citizen, or an eligible New Zealand citizen.
  • Moreover, the applicant must not have already applied or held a Sponsored Parent (Temporary) (subclass 870) visa (at the time of application)
  • Additionally, the applicant must meet all the visa requirements and follow the Australian law.

Parent Visa Australia Documentation 

The documentation requirements for a parent visa Australia are as follows. Indian students settling in Australia as citizens need to make sure that all these documents are provided by their parents for the visa application.

parent visa australia
  • Provide proof of identity-For example, a national identity card and passport
  • Sponsorship documents – Form 40 Sponsorship is to be filled by the sponsor (eligible child) of the applicant
  • Balance of family documents – proof that you are related to each child, proof of permanent residence of the child, etc (those applying as a retiree do not need to present this)
  • Character documents or the police clearance certificate 
  • Assurance of support documents when needed (agreeing to pay back the financial support given to the visa holder at the time of application). Retiree applicants do not need to apply for this. 
  • Nominate someone to receive the correspondence ( Form 956A), and provide immigration assistance (Form 956)
  • If dependent children (under 18) are applying with the applicant provide proof. For example, identity documents, and evidence of a relationship by marriage or birth.
  • Submit parental responsibility documents for children under the age of 18. That is, receive consent from a person who has a legal right over the child by filling the form 1229.
  • For dependent children above the age of 18- identity documents, character documents, proof of dependency (47A), etc.
  • Partner documents such as a current marriage certificate or proof of being in a de facto relationship with a partner for at least 12 months.
  • 4 recent photos (45mm x 35mm) of everyone included in the application

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Application Process for Parent Visa Australia 

The application process for a parent visa Australia is as follows. Before following these steps the applicant must ensure that he/she has a passport. It is also important to get someone to act on behalf of the applicant in case help is needed. 

  • First, gather the essential documents required for a parent visa Australia
  • Apply for a visa on paper. The applicant can be in or out of Australia at the time of application. However, those applying for a visa as a retiree must be in Australia
  • To apply on paper fill out the application form Form 47PA. The sponsor must fill out Form 40 Sponsorship for migration to Australia. The application form can be downloaded by visiting the official website of the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs
  • Next, send the certified copies of the documents along with the application form. Pay the first installment visa charges.
  • Once the application form has been submitted the Australian Department of Home Affairs will inform the candidate about the application submission. Information regarding further steps will also be provided.
  • The results of the visa application will be provided to the applicant in writing. In case of visa approval details such as the visa grant number, date of the visa starts, and visa conditions will be provided.
  • In case of visa restful the reasons for the same will be provided. Details such as Whether the applicant can ask for a review of the application will be included in the writing.

For further information, visit the website-

Parent Visa Australia Processing Time 

The demand for parent visa Australia is greater than the number of visas granted. For this reason, the parent visas can take a long time to be processed. The visa processing of parent visas is divided into 2 stages. In the first stage, there is an initial assessment. The Australian government will determine whether to place the visa application form in the queue. Later, when there is space for more visas, this application is taken from the queue for the final assessment. The exact processing time for the Australian parent visas is not provided. The visa processing is subjected to queueing and capping.

Watch this video below to learn about Australia parent visa delays and solutions.

Australia’s Parent Visa Problems & Solutions | Australia Immigration News 2024
Credit: @AustralianImmigration

Fun Fact; the new contributory parent visas are processed in 12 years, and aged Parent & Aged Parent visas can take 29 years to be processed!

Fees for Parent Visa Australia 

The application fee for a parent visa Australia is approximately AUD4,990.00. However, additional charges are applicable for each member who is applying with the applicant. The visa fees are paid in 2 installments. Generally, the second installment is paid at request. Apart from the visa fees, the applicant has to pay for health checkups, biometrics, and a police clearance certificate. 

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6 Things to Keep in Mind Before Coming to Australia on a Parent Visa 

Here are some things to keep in mind before visiting Australia on a parent visa. Keeping these things in mind will result in a smooth travel to Australia.

  • Make sure to carry a valid visa and passport before travelling
  • Arrive in Australia before the date specified in the visa grant letter. In case, the date passed make sure to travel to Australia within 12 months and submit a travel facilitation request form 
  • At the border complete an incoming passenger card, and use the SmartGate (facial recognition) to leave the airport faster. 
  • Make sure the Australian laws are followed by you and your dependents
  • Although this is a permanent visa, the permanent residence starts only after entering Australia (if you are outside Australia).
  • As a newly arrived resident, the visa holder will have to wait to access the benefits of the Australian government. 


Can I bring my parents to Australia permanently?

Yes. It is possible to bring your parents to Australia. However, this is a lengthy process. There are several visa options provided by the Australian government to its citizens to bring their parents to the country. For example, parent visa, and contributory parent visa. 

What is the new parent visa in Australia 2023?

The parent visa is a visa that permits an Australian permanent resident/citizen or New Zealand citizen to bring their parents to Australia. Starting from July 2023, some changes in eligibility for Australian citizenship have been made for New Zealand citizens. That is New Zealand citizens with a special category visa  (subclass 444) (SCV).

Which visa is best for parents in Australia?

The best visa for parents is a contributory visa. To obtain permanent residency status, there are non-contributory visas as well. However, these take a long time to be processed. The contributory visas, on the other hand, can be obtained within a shorter period. 

We hope you now understand what a parent visa. Want to apply for a Visa for your study abroad journey? Drop us a comment in the section below, or you can connect with a visa expert at Leverage Edu, and we will guide you on your dream journey!

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