What is the Noun of Busy? Check Meaning, Synonyms & Examples

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The abstract noun of ‘busy’ is ‘busyness’ which refers to being occupied with many activities or tasks. Not only this, there are several other meanings which you will read as you move further. Some of the common synonyms for ‘busyness’ include activity, workload, hustle, productivity, hectic and others. To learn more about the noun ‘busy’, how you can use it in the formation of sentences, and synonyms and the end you will find a quiz to test yourself. To go through all of this, you must continue reading this blog post. 

Must Read: What are Nouns?

What is the Abstract Noun of Busy? – Meaning & Origin

After going through the information above, we are now aware that the noun of ‘busy’ is ‘busyness’. But, we must now understand the meaning of this word which will help us in making appropriate sentences and increase our English vocabulary. Just like the above, there is one more meaning of busy which suggests that someone is not available but not necessarily accomplishing anything important. It can have a negative connotation, implying that someone might be prioritizing busyness over effectiveness. 

As for the origin, the word “busyness”, is a relatively recent invention compared to its root word “busy.” This word has a much longer history, tracing back to Old English “bisig” which meant “careful, anxious, occupied, diligent.”

Also Read: 25 Examples of Abstract Nouns in Sentences

Synonyms of Abstract Noun of Busy

After you have learnt the meaning and origin of this word, you must know all the synonyms or similar words that can be used in place of it. For this, we have compiled a list of all the words that will be quite helpful for you. 

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Pictures of Abstract Noun of Busy

If you are wondering whether some other words are used in place of the ones mentioned above, check out the picture below which lists a few more synonyms for the ‘noun of busy.’ You can save and download this picture and use it for future reference later.

noun of busy synonyms
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Examples of Busy as Noun in Sentences

For more assistance, go through these 5 sentences which show how you can use the word ‘busy.’ These will give you an idea and help you create more such sentences.

  • The bakery was bustling with activity as hungry customers crowded in for fresh bread.
  • Feeling overwhelmed, she decided to prioritise her tasks and tackle the busiest ones first.
  • “Are you busy?” he asked, hoping to squeeze in a quick chat before her meeting.
  • With a busy schedule, she barely had time to squeeze in a workout.
  • The phone line was busy, so he left a message and hoped for the best.

Noun Quiz

Time to test yourself! After you have gone through all the above-mentioned information, it is time to test your understanding.

1. Which is the closest synonym for “busy” in a positive context?

a) Idle

b) Productive 

c) Hectic

d) Overwhelmed

2. The store was so _____ that it was hard to find a salesperson to help.

a) Calm

b) Organized

c) Busy 

d) Spacious

3. She felt a sense of _____ as she juggled work deadlines and family commitments.

a) Relaxation

b) Boredom

c) Busyness 

d) Contentment

Check Your Answers!

  1. Productive
  2. Busy
  3. Busyness
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This was all about the noun form of busy and its meaning, synonyms and examples. Hopefully, you understand the concept and where it’s used. You can also follow Leverage Edu for more exciting and informative blogs on learn English.

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